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Re: [cf-satellite] Initial draft of a C-RDR structure for NPP VIIRS data

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Hi John....

Probably have to be the week after next -- Tom Rink & Tommy Jasmin
(and others) will be at a conference next week.  Let's touch base when
they return.


On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 3:43 PM,  <John.J.Bates@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Tom, thanks for valuable input.  Too many questions for a simple email.
> It would probably be better to have a telecon with you and the Wisc
> folks and a wider group at NCDC to have better interaction.
> I'm on my way to London for a CEOS meeting but back next week.  How
> about a telecon next week?  (I'm off to the plane now so may not be able
> to respond...)
> Regards, John
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tom Whittaker <whittaker@xxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 1:48 pm
> Subject: Re: [cf-satellite] Initial draft of a C-RDR structure for NPP
> VIIRS data
>> Hi Jim...
>> Regarding John Bates' note (below) and your post to the cf-satellite
>> list,  I wanted to express our interest in this work.  As you may be
>> aware, we have been working with the simulated JPSS data to help
>> refine it's form.  And, of course, we are working through this
>> cf-satellite email list to define a starting CF convention for
>> satellite data as part of our GOES-R work (it is moving along, but
>> slowly), to provide a baseline for data providers and application
>> developers so that little new code has to be written every time some
>> new satellite data is made available.
>> With regard to your and John's notes, though, we don't really know the
>> context and thus several questions come to mind:  is NOAA going to
>> coordinate among their data providers to create one "standard format"
>> for these data?  Or will there be another step in the process (for
>> example, logically combining files via NCML)?
>> We also wonder if John's note, and your work, are related to what we
>> are already engaged in doing with the simulated data?  It is our
>> understanding that this form would be very close to what will be
>> available to users.  Is that still the case, or is this a separate
>> effort?
>> this related to CLASS and/or GRAVITE?
>> Let me also comment on the NCML example you posted -- I am very
>> disturbed by the use of "groups" -- even worse, nested groups.  While
>> this is certainly part of HDF5 and the NetCDF-4 "Model", using nested
>> groups makes it extremely difficult to write generic applications that
>> will be able to simply open a NetCDF file, gather all the variables
>> and then attempt to make sense of them.  It also makes it difficult to
>> even inspect the data.  If at all possible, I beg you to reconsider
>> this since it will result in people having to write a lot of code
>> specific to these data, just to paw their way through the
>> forest....instead of just having a "getVariables()" call....
>> Let me add that the key to the cf-satellite convention effort is to
>> lock in a basic form of the data that can be added to for specific
>> needs (for example, adding "engineering data"), so that applications
>> have a chance of understanding the basic structure and could, perhaps,
>> present a sensible list of choices of parameters to a user....or just
>> "know" what to do.
>> Finally (for John?) -- Are we talking only about C-RDR level0 or
>> L1B or both?
>> Thanks ahead....and definitely count us "in".....
>> Best wishes,
>> tom
>> Tom Rink
>> Tommy Jasmin
>> --------------- Original Message from John Bates -----------------
>> From: "John J. Bates" <John.J.Bates@xxxxxxxx>
>> Date: July 19, 2010 12:59:51 PM CDT
>> To: <itsc17@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: VIIRS Climate-RDR reveiw
>> Dear Colleagues, at ITSC-17 I mentioned that we have an effort to
>> translate the original form of the NPP-JPSS raw data record (RDR)
>> format into something more user friendly that would also contain all
>> information needed to process into calibrated, navigated radiance
>> data.  We are now at the point where we are considering the specifics
>> of how to write out the data (already decided NetCDF 4 CF-compliant)
>> and wish to get you input as you are potential users.
>> Those who would like to participate in getting information and
>> providing feedback, please contact Jim Biard (Jim.Biard@xxxxxxxx) for
>> more information.  We will be doing the VIIRS data first, but will be
>> doing all sensors on NPP eventually.
>> Regards, John
>> ----------------------------end----------------------------
>> --
>> Tom Whittaker
>> University of Wisconsin-Madison
>> Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
>> Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
>> 1225 W. Dayton Street
>> Madison, WI  53706  USA
>> ph: +1 608 262 2759

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53706  USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759

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