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Re: [cf-satellite] cf-satellite prototype beta, polarization

NOTE: The cf-satellite mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


It seems to me that at least part of the question is whether or not a single multi-band image variable should contain multiple polarizations. Is the concept of band broad enough to encompass polarization as well as wavelength? Is it advisable to try and expand the concept of band to allow for multiple polarizations at the same frequency in a single variable?

The simple approach is to have one variable that contains all the vertical polarization bands, and another that contains all the horizontal polarization bands. After that you get into the question of whether you note the polarization in the long_name attribute for each variable or add an attribute named "polarization" (for example) to each variable, and whether or not to make that attribute part of the satellite convention as Tom mentioned. It wouldn't be a violation to have such an attribute, would it?

Grace and peace,


On 1/6/2011 10:21 AM, Tom Whittaker wrote:
Hello --

We are still discussing how much sensor-related, specific information
should be included in our attempts to create a basic set of
conventions that would allow applications to at least recognize the
data as multi-banded, satellite data.

At present, I do not believe the "polarization" metadata falls within
the scope of what we are trying to accomplish; therefore I would
encourage you to either include this information in the "long_name"
attribute, or create a new attribute and submit a "standard name" for
it...following the spirit of the information here:

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Esben Stigård Nielsen<esn@xxxxxx>  wrote:

I'm new to this list and have been looking at the proposed satellite
metadata scheme. Now I'm wondering how the polarization of a band will be
reflected in the metadata?
Like the SSMI sensor having two channels for each wavelength one for
horizontal and one for vertical polarization.

Best regards
Esben Nielsen
Danish Meteorological Institute

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Jim Biard

Government Contractor, STG Inc.
Remote Sensing and Applications Division (RSAD)
National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801-5001


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