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[conduit] [Fwd: New NCEP CFS-R Reanalysis Products now Available at NCDC]

Hello CONDUIT users,

You might find this announcement of interest to you. Sorry for filling up your email queue if you have already received it.


-------- Original Message --------

Greetings Interested NOAA Reanalysis Data Users: Today NCDC is providing public access to the the next set of NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFS-R) products through the NCDC NOMADS interfaces. In close collaboration with the CLASS Team, approximately 81TB of 1970-2009 CFS-R data is now available for access using open standards sub-setting technologies. Monthly updates for the period Jan 2010 to the present are currently underway at NCEP and being run at a higher native resolution of T572 Gaussian and will be made available shortly.

These new data represent the primary run of hourly ipv, pgb's, flx's, and ocn data (see table below for details). Previous "Tier-1" datasets of Monthly Means and select Time Series data have been available on NOMADS since February 2010. Data are available in lat/lon or Gaussian projections and in Grib2, OPeNDAP, and NetCDF formats.

Plans are underway to provide subsets of the ocn reanalysis files for distribution through the Ocean-NOMADS* at the National Coastal Data Development Center (NCDDC) in Charleston, SC to better service users of ocean related products. The next and final set of CFS-R data to become available include the Hi- and Lo-resolution Initial Conditions, and the "Data Dumps" adding approximately 100TB to the CFS-R data set. These and other ECIP** Climate Reanalysis products including the "Climate of the Twentieth Century" will be made available as soon as possible. *New Reanalysis now available at the NCDC NOMADS*: include:
Data Set Approximate volume Grid Resolution /Frequency Access Methods***_*

3-D Diabatic Heating Data       (10TB)  Lat/Lon:1.0°       4/day   http tds
Surface and Radiative Fluxes    (10.6TB)        Gaussian:T382   4/day   http tds
Low-Resolution Data     (8TB)   Lat/Lon:1.0° 2.5°Gaussian: T62        4/day   
http tds
3-D Isentropic Level Data       (6.5TB)         Lat/Lon: 0.5°      4/day   http 
3-D Ocean Data  (11TB)  Lat/Lon: 0.5°      4/day   http tds
3-D Pressure Level Data         (35TB)  Lat/Lon: 0.5°      4/day   http tds


** For specific information on CFS-R variables, and additional information on all of NOAA's Explaining Climate to Improve Predictions (ECIP) reanalysis projects see:

*** tds: the Unidata THREDDS Data Server (OPeNDAP, WCS, and NetCDF subset Services); and traditional http (wget etc.).

For further information contact me or nomads.ncdc@xxxxxxxx with questions.
Thanks, Glenn

Glenn K. Rutledge
Meteorologist / Physical Scientist
NOMADS Project Manager
NOAA's National Climatic Data Center
Contact: (828) 271-4097

Linda Miller - lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690

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