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Re: 20050907: trapped exception in Grib code hides failure

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is it possible to make the file available on the web or if it's
already available, tell me where so i can download the example.


On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Unidata Support wrote:

> >To: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >From: Eric Davies <Eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Subject: trapped exception in Grib code hides failure
> >Organization: Barrodale Services
> >Keywords: 200509071707.j87H7Ajo024161
> I'm trying to read a grib file I downloaded from NOA using the
> toolsUI-2.2.10.jar .
> The grib file has a single variable with dimensions (Time, Y,X)
> Through the netcdf interface, I'm trying to read in one time step at a time.
> The first time step succeeds, the subsequent fail due to the below
> ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception.
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 49608
>          at
> ucar.grib.grib2.Grib2DataSection.complexUnpacking(
>          at ucar.grib.grib2.Grib2DataSection.<init>(
>          at ucar.grib.grib2.Grib2Data.getData(
>          at
> ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.Grib2ServiceProvider._readData(
>          at
> ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.GribServiceProvider.readXY(
>          at
> ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.GribServiceProvider.readData(
>          at ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.readData(
>          at ucar.nc2.Variable._read(
>          at
>          at
>          at
> com.barrodale.openDAP2.TileProducerBasic.nextTile(
> However, my application doesn't see the exception because it appears to be
> trapped somewhere inside the Grib code and then ignored; I only know that
> the exception has occurred because that same code is printing out the above
> stack trace to the console.
> Presumably this trapping is a bug. Anybody got a work-around?
> I have a second application I use to dump the meta data of the grib (as
> seen through the netcdf interface). It appears below:
> dimensions:
> time=6
> y=219
> x=173
> global attributes:
> .Conventions =  CF-1.0
> .Originating_center =  US National Weather Service (NWSTG) subcenter = -9999
> .Product_Status =  Operational products
> .Product_Type =  Forecast products
> .FileFormat =  GRIB-2
> .DataType =  GRID
> .DatasetLocation =  c:\gribdata\
> .Processing =  direct read of GRIB into NetCDF-Java 2.2 API
> Minimum_temperature[ time y x]
> ;
> Minimum_temperature.units =  K
> Minimum_temperature.long_name =  Minimum temperature @ surface
> Minimum_temperature.missing_value = []= 9999.0
> Minimum_temperature.coordinates =  lat lon
> Minimum_temperature.grid_mapping =  Lambert_Conformal
> Minimum_temperature.GRIB_param_discipline =  Meteorological_products
> Minimum_temperature.GRIB_param_category =  Temperature
> Minimum_temperature.GRIB_param_number = []= 5
> Minimum_temperature.GRIB_product_definition_type =  Average, accumulation,
> extreme values or other statistically processed value at a horizontal level
> Minimum_temperature.GRIB_level_type = []= 1
> time[ time]
> ;
> time.long_name =  forecast time
> time.units =  hours since 2005-09-01T15:00:00Z
> time.GRIB2_referenceTime =  Start of forecast
> time._CoordinateAxisType =  Time
> Lambert_Conformal[]
> ;
> Lambert_Conformal.grid_mapping_name =  lambert_conformal_conic
> Lambert_Conformal.standard_parallel = []= 25.0
> Lambert_Conformal.longitude_of_central_meridian = []= 265.0
> Lambert_Conformal.latitude_of_projection_origin = []= 25.0
> Lambert_Conformal.GRIB_earth_shape =  Earth spherical with radius specified
> by producer
> Lambert_Conformal.GRIB_earth_shape_code = []= 1
> Lambert_Conformal.GRIB_spherical_earth_radius_meters = []= 6371200.0
> y[ y]
> ;
> y.units =  km
> y.long_name =  y coordinate of projection
> y.standard_name =  projection_y_coordinate
> y.grid_spacing =  5.0794062 km
> y._CoordinateAxisType =  GeoY
> x[ x]
> ;
> x.units =  km
> x.long_name =  x coordinate of projection
> x.standard_name =  projection_x_coordinate
> x.grid_spacing =  5.0794062 km
> x._CoordinateAxisType =  GeoX
> lat[ y x]
> ;
> lat.units =  degrees_north
> lat.long_name =  latitude coordinate
> lat.standard_name =  latitude
> lat._CoordinateAxisType =  Lat
> lon[ y x]
> ;
> lon.units =  degrees_east
> lon.long_name =  longitude coordinate
> lon.standard_name =  longitude
> lon._CoordinateAxisType =  Lon
> projectionCoordSys[]
> ;
> projectionCoordSys._CoordinateAxes =  time y x
> projectionCoordSys._CoordinateTransforms =  Lambert_Conformal
> **********************************************
> Eric Davies, M.Sc.
> Barrodale Computing Services Ltd.
> Tel: (250) 472-4372 Fax: (250) 472-4373
> Web:
> Email: eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> **********************************************
> Mailing Address:
> P.O. Box 3075 STN CSC
> Victoria BC Canada V8W 3W2
> Shipping Address:
> Hut R, McKenzie Avenue
> University of Victoria
> Victoria BC Canada V8W 3W2
> **********************************************
> NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
> Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
> through the web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made
> available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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