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Re: 20051117: NetCDF decoder pqact entries

NOTE: The decoders mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


in my last message, i forgot the -p flag, this is the correct syntax,

% ldmadmin pqactcheck -p /usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact.netcdf

of course you need to set the path correctly.


On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Mark Seefeldt wrote:

> Robb,
> The tip on searching for the process ID in the log file was excellent.
> It does not show up on any recent log files, but it does show up on the
> file from when the ldm was restarted:
> ldmd.log.5:Nov 18 20:20:46 foehn pqact[7584] NOTE: Starting Up
> ldmd.log.5:Nov 18 20:20:46 foehn pqact[7584] NOTE: Configuration-file
> "etc/pqact.netcdf" has no entries. You should probably not start this
> program instead.
> I have attached the ldmd.conf and the pqact.netcdf files to provide some
> help.  It appears to me that there are entries in pqact.netcdf, and that
> it is properly called from ldmd.conf.  Obviously something is not write.
> To verify that the spelling jives, I did a listing of the etc directory:
> [ldm@foehn etc]$ ls -l
> total 344
> drwxr-xr-x  2 ldm met-apps  4096 Apr 25  2005 6.1.0
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  3116 Apr 22  2005 ldmadmin-pl.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  3118 Apr 22  2005 ldmadmin-pl.conf.orig
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  4570 Nov 17 17:47 ldmd.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  4361 May  9  2005 ldmd.conf.20050509
> drwxr-xr-x  2 ldm met-apps  4096 Nov 17 17:55 netcdf
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  1622 Nov 10 14:19 netcheck.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  1622 Nov 10 14:19 netcheck.conf.dist
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  3970 Nov 10 15:50 pqact.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  3966 May  2  2005 pqact.conf1
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  3965 May  2  2005 pqact.conf2
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps 86663 Nov 10 12:20 pqact.gempak
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps 82423 Apr 25  2005 pqact.gempak.5.8.1
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps 86663 Nov 10 12:20 pqact.gempak.5.8.3a
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  4216 Nov 17 17:55 pqact.netcdf
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps  3771 Nov 17 16:33 pqact.netcdf.unidata
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps   668 Nov 10 16:11 scour.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 ldm met-apps   623 Nov 10 14:19 scour.conf.dist
> Please let me know as to the other suggestions as to where I should look
> for problems.
> Thanks
> Mark
> Robb Kambic wrote:
> > On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Mark Seefeldt wrote:
> >
> >> Robb,
> >>
> >> Thank you for the NetCDF decoder pqact entries.  I am currently not
> >> producing any of the output files.
> >>
> >> Information:
> >> -LDM 6.4.3 on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux v.4
> >> -installed:
> >>    netcdf-3.6.0-p1
> >>    netcdf-perl-1.2.3
> >>    udunits-1.12.4
> >>    decoders-4.0.0
> >> -I placed the pqact entries into a separate pqact file named
> >> pqact.netcdf.  This file is attached.
> >> -The pqact.netcdf file is then called from ldmd.conf with the following:
> >>    exec    "pqact etc/pqact.netcdf"
> >> -When I do a process listing I see:
> >>    ldm       7584  7580  0 Nov18 ?        00:12:38 pqact etc/pqact.netcdf
> >>
> >> Are there any log files or other places where I can start looking to
> >> find out why none of the netcdf files are being produced?
> >
> > Mark,
> >
> > the first place to look is the ~ldm/logs/ldmd.log file, the pqact will
> > send it errors to it. one can track the error by looking at the PID of the
> > pqact etc/pqact.netcdf process.
> >
> > also check the pqact.netcdf that there are tabs not spaces between entry
> > parts because spaces could be part of pattern action. ie.
> >
> > DDS|IDS<tab here>^S(A....|P....|XUS8.) .... ([0-3][0-9])
> > <tab here>PIPE<tab here>decoders/metar2nc.new1
> > <tab here>etc/metar.cdl.new1
> > <tab here>data/pub/decoded/netcdf/surface/metar
> >
> > make sure all the decoder table files and cdl files are in the ~ldm/etc
> > directory.  they are located in the ~/etc directory in the build location.
> >
> > from the ldm home directory, run the decoder from command line, ie
> >
> > % decoders/metar2nc.new1 etc/metar.cdl.new1
> > data/pub/decoded/netcdf/surface/metar < <raw data file>
> >
> > above is on one line
> >
> >
> > robb...
> >
> >
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Mark Seefeldt
> >>
> >> Robb Kambic wrote:
> >>> On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Unidata Support wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Robb,
> >>>>
> >>>> See second paragraph for request of pqact entries for NC decoders 4.0.0.
> >>>>
> >>>> ------- Forwarded Message
> >>>>
> >>>>> To: Unidata Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>>>> From: Mark Seefeldt <mark.seefeldt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>>>> Subject: NetCDF decoder pqact entries
> >>>>> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> >>>>> Keywords: 200511172016.jAHKGG7s010277
> >>>> I am currently running LDM 6.4.3.  I have also intalled GEMPAK 5.8.3a.
> >>>> I used the gen_pqact.csh script to create a pqact file to create the
> >>>> GEMPAK files.  All appears to be working very well with that.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have recently installed the NetCDF Decoders 4.0.0 (along with the
> >>>> necessary netCDF, UDUNITS, and Perl-netCDF packages.  I would now like
> >>>> to create a pqact file/entries for the netCDF files.  I have discovered
> >>>> the file gribtonc.entries which appears to have the necessary entries
> >>>> for the GRIB files.  Is this correct?  Other than making changes for the
> >>>> local filesystem, is there anything else that I need to do to implement
> >>>> these pqact entries?  Are there any similar sample entries for the
> >>>> non-GRIB products?
> >>>
> >>> Mark,
> >>>
> >>> the documentation was sent out with the release, maybe i should include it
> >>> some where on the web page.  i'll attach the list of pqact actions for
> >>> both the text bulletions and the model files.
> >>>
> >>> robb...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> If there is a document already present to answer these questions, feel
> >>>> free to point me that direction.  I was not able to find any in my 
> >>>> search.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>>
> >>>> Mark
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
> >>>> Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
> >>>> through the web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made
> >>>> available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.
> >>>>
> >>>> ------- End of Forwarded Message
> >>>>
> >>> ==============================================================================
> >>> Robb Kambic                                  Unidata Program Center
> >>> Software Engineer III                        Univ. Corp for Atmospheric 
> >>> Research
> >>> rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             WWW:
> >>> ==============================================================================
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>> #
> >>> # surface data in netCDF format
> >>> #
> >>> # metar decoder, creates NetCDF files formated 
> >>>
> >>> # All aviation reports including metar tests. old netcdf file format
> >>> DDS|IDS   ^S(A....|P....|XUS8.) .... ([0-3][0-9])
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/metar2nc
> >>>   etc/metar.cdl
> >>>   data/pub/decoded/netcdf/surface/metarold
> >>> #
> >>> # metar decoder, creates NetCDF files with new CDL format on a daily basis
> >>> # formated data/decoded/
> >>> DDS|IDS   ^S(A....|P....|XUS8.) .... ([0-3][0-9])
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/metar2nc.new1
> >>>   etc/metar.cdl.new1
> >>>   data/pub/decoded/netcdf/surface/metar
> >>> #
> >>> # upper air perl decoder
> >>> DDS|IDS   ^U[ABDEFGHIJKLMPQRSTXZ].... .... ([0-3][0-9])
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/ua2nc
> >>>   etc/raob.cdl
> >>>   data/pub/decoded/netcdf/upperair
> >>> #
> >>> # buoy reports in decoded into NetCDF format
> >>> DDS|IDS   ^S[NS].... .... ([0-3][0-9])
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/buoy2nc
> >>>   etc/buoy.cdl
> >>>   data/pub/decoded/netcdf/surface/buoy
> >>> #
> >>> # Synoptic reports in decoded into NetCDF format
> >>> DDS|IDS   ^SM.... .... ([0-3][0-9])
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/syn2nc
> >>>   etc/syn.cdl
> >>>   data/pub/decoded/netcdf/surface/synoptic
> >>> #
> >>> # grid data in netCDF format
> >>> #
> >>> # GFS grid on Lambert conformal CONUS grid replacing avn-q
> >>> HRS       ^Y.Q... KWB. (..)(..).*/m(AVN|SSIAVN|GFS|SSIGFS)
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/gfs_211.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/GFS/CONUS_80km/GFS_CONUS_80km_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # GFS grid on thinned grids, interpolated to global 5.0 x 2.5 regular grid
> >>> HRS       ^H.[I-P]... KWB. (..)(..).*/m(AVN|SSIAVN|GFS|SSIGFS)
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   -q "lin,dlat=2.5,dlon=5.0" etc/gfs_37-44.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/GFS/Global_5x2p5deg/GFS_Global_5x2p5deg_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # ECMWF grid on global 2.5 x 2.5 degree grid
> >>> HRS       ^H.[A-L]... ECMF (..)(..)
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/ecmwf_1-12.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/ECMWF/Global_2p5/ECMWF_Global_2p5_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # ETA grid on Lambert conformal CONUS grid
> >>> HRS       ^Y.Q... KWB. (..)(..).*/m(ETA|NAM)
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/eta_211.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/NAM/CONUS_80km/NAM_CONUS_80km_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # GFS grid on global 5.0 x 5.0 degree grid
> >>> HRS       ^H.[EF]... KWB. (..)(..)
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/gfs_25-26.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/GFS/Extended_Global_5p0deg/GFS_Extended_Global_5p0deg_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # NGM grid on Lambert conformal CONUS grid
> >>> #HRS      ^Y.Q... KWB. (..)(..).*/mNGM
> >>> # PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>> # etc/ngm_211.cdl
> >>> # 
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/NGM/CONUS_80km/NGM_CONUS_80km_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # NOW and PWAV grids on global 5.0 x 2.5 degree grids
> >>> HRS       ^H.[A-D]... .... (..)(..).*(/mNOW|/mPWAV)
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/ocean_21-24.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/OCEAN/Global_5x2p5deg/OCEAN_Global_5x2p5deg_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # RUC grid on Lambert conformal CONUS grid
> >>> HRS       ^[YZ].Q... KWB. (..)(..).*/mRUC
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/ruc_211.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/RUC/CONUS_80km/RUC_CONUS_80km_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # RUC2 grid on Lambert conformal CONUS grid
> >>> HRS       ^Y.W... KWB. (..)(..).*/mRUC2
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/ruc2_236.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/RUC2/CONUS_40km/RUC2_CONUS_40km_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # SST grid on global 5.0 x 2.5 degree grids
> >>> HRS       ^H.[A-D]... .... (..)(..).*/mSST
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/sst_21-24.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/SST/Global_5x2p5deg/SST_Global_5x2p5deg_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >>> # SST grid on global 2.0 x 2.0 degree grid
> >>> HRS       ^H.[T-W]... .... (..)(..).*/mSST
> >>>   PIPE    decoders/gribtonc
> >>>   etc/sst_61-64.cdl
> >>>   
> >>> data/pub/decoded/netcdf/grid/NCEP/SST/Global_2x2deg/SST_Global_2x2deg_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\
> >>> #
> >

Robb Kambic                                Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III                      Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   WWW:

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