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Hello Ben,

I'm Stefano Nativi, of the IMAA-CNR (Italian National Research Centre) and Univ. of Florence. In the frameowrk of GALEON experiment, we are testing the ncML-GML technology. NcML-GML is a mediation language between ncML (xml encoding of netCDF data) and GML. It provides additional metadata useful to work out effective GIS coverages from netCDF-CF datasets.

Given a netCDF dataset, our WCS server implementation first generates the corresponding ncML-GML document, then, produces the useful WCS messages for making it accessible.

We would like to try our middleware solution with your scenes of satellite data. If you are interested we can work together on such point.


--Stefano Nativi

Hello All,

I've been communicating with Ben Domenico about our interest in GALEON and h
e suggested that I communicate this interest to all of you to see if anyone
is interested in working with us.  I'll explain who we are and what our inte
rest is.

CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period)  is a proj
ect (endorsed by WCRP, GEWEX, etc.) to gather data and coordinate research i
nto the water and energy cycle.  There is in-situ data (surface, tower, soil
 and flux) from 35 Reference Sites around the world.  There is satellite dat
a from NASA, ESA, JAXA and Eumetsat where the scenes are subset to 250 by 25
0 km, and regridded to lat/lon, centered over the 35 Reference Sites.  There
 is model output data from 10 major agencies/universities around the world.
 From the model output data each agency found the grid point closest to each
 of the 35 Reference Sites and captured a time series (in some cases hourly
time series) of their model output data at the grid points (called MOLTS - M
odel Output Location Time Series).  So there is a major emphasis on data int
egration (formats, systems, etc.) including this clever integration of many
types of in-situ data, with satellite data subset and regridded to the in-si
tu data locations, with model output data in a time series at the same locat
ions.  The lead scientist of CEOP is Dr. Toshio Koike of the University of T

CEOS is the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites which coordinates sate
llites, sensors, data catalogs, data centers etc. for the world's civil spac
e agencies (NASA, ESA, JAXA, DLR, CNES, etc.).  WGISS is the CEOS Working Gr
oup on Information Systems and Services that coordinates work on data system
s, catalogs, formats, etc.  Dr. Koike of CEOP approached CEOS and CEOS WGISS
 a few years ago requesting contributions of satellite data and also for sup
port to develop a data distribution system.  The data distribution system pr
oject is called WTF-CEOP where WTF stands for WGISS Test Facility.  The proj
ect is endorsed by the CEOS Plenary and JAXA (the Japanese Space Agency) is
the lead agency for its development.  Other work is being contributed by NAS
A, and other CEOS agencies are expected to provide additional elements of th
e project in the future.  You can register to use WTF-CEOP at and then you can take a look at the WTF-CEOP syste
m.  I work for RESTEC (Remote Sensing Technology Center) in Tokyo where we d
o work for JAXA and are developing the WTF-CEOP system.

GEOSS (Global Earth Observing System of Systems):
The detailed GEOSS Implementation Plan was developed by the Implementation P
lanning Task Team headed by 4 people (one each from the US, Europe, Japan an
d South Africa).  The member from Japan was Dr. Koike (of CEOP).  Currently,
 there are four Committees being formed to implement GEOSS (Capacity Buildin
g & Outreach, Architecture & Data, Science & Technology and User Interface).
 Japan is in charge of the Architecture & Data committee and Dr. Koike has m
ajor input on its development.

Current situation:
We just came back from Kiev, Ukraine where we held a CEOS WGISS meeting last
 week.  I gave an overview presentation on GALEON (using slides provided by
Ben Domenico) and there was genuine interest in GALEON.  CEOS WGISS has prev
iously implemented WTF-GOFC, WGISS Test Facility for Global Observation of F
orest Cover, that was based on OGC servers/technology, so there is good reco
gnition of (experience with) OGC technology in CEOS WGISS.  There was agreem
ent that WTF-CEOP should, if possible, pursue some participation in GALEON.
 So, our interest is to provide a few scenes of CEOP satellite data, in lat/
lon grid in NetCDF format, and to develop (with your help?) the necessary ad
ditional metadata.  We're wondering if anyone in the GALEON project would be
 interested in working together with us on this.  We have been members of OG
C in the past but are not currently members.  Indications are we could quick
ly become members (Associate Member level) if the above ideas are of interes
t to GALEON members.  We understand that we would not be official members/pa
rticipants in GALEON (since the project has already started) but, if anyone
is interested in working with us, we would appreciate an opportunity to prov
ide a few scenes of satellite data to learn how this data fits into the GALE
ON technology.

Please feel free to send comments/questions.  Also, I have been invited by B
en Domenico to join the GALEON Conference Call on September 21 (20?) and I p
lan to attend.

Thank you all for your attention and I look forward to "meeting" you in the

Ben Burford

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