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NetCDF Semantics and Data in XML

NOTE: The galeon mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


Based on recent interactions with Stefano Nativi and Lorenzo Bigagli, I've 
created a web page at:

which describes work at the University of Florence encoding semantics and, in some 
cases, data into various XML dialects based on the netCDF Markup Language (NcML). In 
the document, there are pointers to examples of NcML, NcML-CS, and NcML-GML for the 
galeon test dataset <>.

The NcML-GML encoding provides several options for encoding the semantics and 
providing direct or deferred netCDF data access -- all based on an adaptation 
of the OGC GML standard. There is also a brief summary of the status and short 
term plans of the University of Florence GALEON WCS effort.

It will be very interesting to see how many of the clients involved in the 
GALEON experiment are capable of working with netCDF data access in this OGC 
standard form.

Also I would like to set up our second GALEON telecon next week if possible, so 
I'd encourage participants to summarize their efforts over the last mont h at 
the GALEON wiki

and let me know whether you can participate on a telecon on Thursday or Friday 
next week. Starting the telecon at 8am pacific time seemed to work for 
participants except for those in Oceania.

-- Ben

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