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Telecon Summary and WCS revision proposal

NOTE: The galeon mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


There is a summary of yesterday's very productive GALEON telecon at:

There's a lot of useful information in there, so please read through it.

One of the most important conclusions we reached however, is to go ahead 
immediately with the recommendation of adding the netCDF as a 6th WCS encoding 
format.  If the recommendation is accepted, this would allow us to proceed with 
the next phase of GALEON knowing we are working with a format that is part of 
the current specification.  But it is also important to recognize that the WCS 
Revision Working Group is discussing an entirely new approach that would do 
away with the fixed list but require a WCS "profile" for each encoding format.  
 As part of GALEON Phase 2, we plan to continue working on our draft "profile" 

There are pointers to this information on the GALEON Wiki

but I'm also going to attach the Word document with the WCS revision proposal 
because we want to formally submit it for comment on Monday Feb 13 so that it 
can be voted on at the Huntsville technical committee meeting next month.

-- Ben

Attachment: WCS-netCDFformat-1.0.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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