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Re: Use Case: Web services for coupled forecast models

NOTE: The galeon mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hi Ben,

In a broader sense, in my view, an important use scenario is the implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (or Geospatial Data Infrastructures) to support decision making. A valuable case in point is GEOSS objective.

I attached a slide showing a possible use of our technologies for that scenario.

More details can be found in a recent pubblication, available online at:

Hope this could help.



During the GALEON telecon last week, it was suggested that we put together
few scenarios or use cases that might give us concrete, useful objectives
for some of the work we are doing with standards for web services
interfaces.  In particular, the use cases were to represent situations
several of the OGC specifications would come into play so we can get a
of how the services interact with one another and which circumstances call
for which services.

The use case I put together is based on systems that are already in use:
some widely used in the atmospheric and ocean sciences communities.  Some
components are implemented at only a few sites.  But all have been shown to
be practical and useful.  And they'd be useful to a much broader community
if they were based on standards.

As you'll see from reading the draft, I've got a lot to learn about the
other OGC standards efforts, but I thought I'd go ahead with this anyway as
a means of opening the dialog with the experts in the many OGC interface
standards areas.

I plan to discuss this briefly in the GALEON part of the Coverages Working
Group session at the OGC Technical Committee meeting next week, so please
get back to me with any comments or suggestions.

Also please let me know if you'll be at the meeting and would be willing
able to give a brief presentation on your GALEON work.  If you will not be
at the meeting, please let me know if you have some materials that I could
present for you.

-- Be

Attachment: SDI technological Framework.ppt
Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation

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