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[galeon] Fwd: [WCS-1.2.swg] February 20 Teleconference Minutes

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Hi all,

Below is Arliss Whiteside's minutes of the WCS Standards Working Group telecom 
of last Wednesday.  This was the monthly WCS.SWG telecon that had a specific 
segment dedicated to GALEON issues.  My own personal input to that segment was 
an attempt to delineate 3 key issues highlighted in the aviation applications 
based user scenario that was put forward earlier.  In a nutshell:

1. There are clear, practical uses for 3D plus time datasets
2. There are several different dataset types (many of which are not regular 
grids) that can be represented as coverages in terms of the ISO 19123 abstract 
coverages model.
3. We also need low level "nuts and bolts" encoding profiles for each of the 
different dataset types that are part of the user scenario.

Note also that we're hoping to discuss these topics at the Coverages Working 
Group session (on the agenda for Tuesday Mar 25) at the St. Louis OGC TC 
meetings next month.

-- Ben

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Whiteside, Arliss E (US SSA) <arliss.whiteside@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 3:26 PM
Subject: [WCS-1.2.swg] February 20 Teleconference Minutes
To: wcs-1.2.swg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

February 20 Teleconference Attendees: (not a quorum)
Arliss Whiteside, BAE Systems
Wenli Yang, George Mason University
Steven Keens, PCI Geomatics
Andrew Woolf, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Rob Weingruber, National Center for Atmospheric Research (observer)
Ben Domenico, National Center for Atmospheric Research (observer)


1) While we waited for others to join, Arliss asked it this working
group should meet during the TC meeting in St. Louis.  We agreed to
meet, probably after the Coverages WG and preferably on Tuesday.

2) We first discussed subjects of interest to the GALEON community.  Ben
has started describing a use case in email messages, with inputs from
several others.  They need full 3D support, and have some concern about
the WCS 1.2 core only including 2D.  (Possibility: Can a 3D server
support useful interactions from a 2D client?)  They need several types
of non-grid coverages as defined in ISO 19123, in addition to grid
coverages.  (Question: Should non-grid coverages be handled by a WCS,
WFS, or combined server?  Question: Does the general feature model need
to be improved?)  After discussion, we agreed to devote part of the
Coverages WG meeting in St. Louis to non-grid coverages.  Descriptions
of use cases would be appropriate.

3) We then discussed change request OGC 08-018 "WCS 1.1.1 Change Request
- Clarify Temporal Domain Parameter", by Steven Keens.  After
discussion, all present agreed that an error should be detected if a
client requests a temporal subset of a coverage without a temporal
dimension.  Steven said he would update this change request.  All
present agreed to include this change in Corrigendum 2 for WCS 1.1.

4)  We then discussed if Corrigendum 2 for WCS 1.1 is ready for
approval.  Steven said he had not reviewed the latest draft, so we
agreed to allow another week for review before moving to approve this.
Steven suggested posting the latest draft as a pending document, and
Arliss said he would do this.

The next teleconference for the WCS 1.2 SWG is planned at 11:00 AM
Eastern on Wednesday, February 27.  This teleconference will discuss as
time permits:

1) Is the Corrigendum 2 for WCS 1.1 ready for approval?

2) Which of the listed WCS abilities should we consider moving from one
extension group or the core to another?  The current list of possible
additions to the core conformance class are listed in Arliss' email
message of January 29.  A related change request is OGC 08-017 "WCS
change request - Clarify "none" interpolation" with suggestions by Peter
Baumann and Steven.

3) What is the status of the WCS 1.2 RWG work items listed on the Twicki
pages at
equests?  When do you expect to be able to provide an estimate of when
you will complete draft specification material?  At this time, the
higher priority changes seem to include (no order implied):
* WSDL encoding of WCS SOAP interface
* Multilingual support
* Allow asynchronous GetCoverage
* Conformance classes
* Generalized domain
* Allow GetCoverage to output one file that includes all coverage data,
not multi-part MIME
* Allow time-only GetCoverage requests
* Support point coverages
* Interpolation methods XML file improvement
* Abstract Test Suite
* Transaction operation extension

If you cannot participate in this teleconference, please provide your
inputs on the above subjects in email messages to the SWG mailing list.

Arliss Whiteside, Chair

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