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Re: [galeon] AGU ESSI session submission deadline TODAY

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A main challenge of a AGU Town Hall is its short duration of one hour.  The 
audience will include traditional scientists who might need to be brought up to 
speed very quickly to appreciate all of the issues involved.  The Town Hall 
would be an excellent venue for presenting and eliciting feedback on a "Data 
Stewardship Plan" - if we had such a thing.  The upcoming 3-day Workshop on 
Data Stewardship at the ESIP Summer Meeting could produce a start on some 
elements of a Stewardship Plan. The IWGDD also has begun efforts in this area 
for more general data beyond geospatial.  But there are many dimensions to the 
problem including storage media needs, metadata requirements, unique 
identifiers, etc., and an open-ended Town Hall Meeting could degenerate into 
chaos very quickly. A focus on some aspect such as "Data Standards for Data 
Stewardship" could be interesting in providing a framework for further 
discussions, though even that narrowed topic has lots of room for "scope 
creep".  The upcoming ESIP Workshop will include enough of the major players 
and enough discussion time that it could provide insights on how we can proceed 
most productively.


Rob Raskin
Group Supervisor, Science Data Engineering
Instrument Software and Data Systems Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 354-4228
From: John Graybeal [graybeal@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 9:25
To: Raskin, Rob
Cc: David Arctur; Peter Fox; Ben Domenico; Unidata GALEON; Stefano Nativi; 
David Maidment; Chandler Cyndy
Subject: Re: [galeon] AGU ESSI session submission deadline TODAY

 From your experience with previous Data Stewardship and similar
discussions, can any of you envision a good way to set up the
discussion so that it leads to a relatively inclusive/integrated/
universal set of follow-on activities?  It would be nice to go beyond
informal discussions.

We have (a) lots of fairly tricky technical challenges and (b) a lot
of partially overlapping communites working on these issues (OGC, W3C,
ESIP, Unidata, Dublin Core, MMI, TDWG, Science/Creative Commons, just
to name a few).  Maybe we could get a fair number of these groups to
agree on some collaborative process(es)....


P.S. At an e-biosphere biodiversity informatics breakout meeting a
week or two ago, I think the British Library said they had accepted
contracts/collaborative agreements to create URIs for data sets.  An
interesting milestone along that path....

On Jun 12, 2009, at 10:16 PM, Raskin, Rob wrote:

> David-
> I agree that it would not be productive to have competing
> informatics Town Halls!  It is probably possible to have one on a
> different night.  Data Stewardship is the theme of next month's ESIP
> meeting in Santa Barbara.  We'll discuss a potential Town Hall at
> that meeting, so join us if you can!  Stewardship is a very broad
> theme and there is only so much that can be conveyed in an hour, so
> some topic focus might be helpful.
> -Rob
> ------------------------------------
> Rob Raskin
> Group Supervisor, Science Data Engineering
> Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory
> Pasadena, CA 91109
> (818) 354-4228
> ________________________________________
> From: David Arctur [darctur@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 20:44
> To: Raskin, Rob
> Cc: Peter Fox; John Graybeal; Ben Domenico; Unidata GALEON; Stefano
> Nativi; David Maidment; Chandler Cyndy
> Subject: Re: [galeon] AGU ESSI session submission deadline TODAY
> That sounds good Rob. We've had a Data Preservation WG at OGC for a
> few years but it hasn't progressed much beyond reviews of the problem
> space and some disconnected solution approaches.
> But that's a significant theme in itself, goes beyond just object
> ID's. This could deserve it's own town hall. If you want to submit a
> session proposal, I can get you a co-convener.
> I also share John's concern about the crowding of town halls on one
> night.
> Peter-- is AGU running the town halls the same way as in 2008?
> Never too late... ;-)
> --
> David Arctur
> +1(512)771-1434
> Sent from my PDA
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:56 PM, "Raskin, Rob"
> <robert.g.raskin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Regarding a Fall AGU Town Hall series, several of us have discussed
>> a possible Town Hall on Data Preservation and Stewardship.  A key
>> focus would be on (permanent) unique object identifiers for
>> datasets.  There might be some creative way to combine these two
>> efforts.
>> -Rob
>> ------------------------------------
>> Rob Raskin
>> Group Supervisor, Science Data Engineering
>> Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section
>> Jet Propulsion Laboratory
>> Pasadena, CA 91109
>> (818) 354-4228
>> ________________________________________
>> From: galeon-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [galeon-
>> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David Arctur 
>> [darctur@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> ]
>> Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 15:52
>> To: Peter Fox; John Graybeal; Ben Domenico
>> Cc: Unidata GALEON; Stefano Nativi; David Maidment; Chandler Cyndy
>> Subject: Re: [galeon] AGU ESSI session submission deadline TODAY
>> Ben, I've modified your text very slightly to be more obvious about
>> the submissions requested (maybe unnecessary, oh well). Also clicked
>> on numerous cosponsor disciplines in the list below the description.
>> John, I was wondering about the overlap with yours as well, but think
>> yours will probably draw the marine folks more than ours will.
>> Peter, what about the town hall? There were a lot of those last year:
>> What's involved in setting one up? Deadlines?
>> Would anyone on IN19 be interested in a town hall meeting on the use
>> of standards in geosciences research? Or one on marine data
>> management?  Or...?
>> dka
>> --
>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 4:39 PM, Peter Fox wrote:
>> John, discussion forum: town hall is the recognized method.
>> You can have a BOF during lunch times but it does not get on the
>> program.
>> We do have a good email list to announce such meetings to.
>> Please let me know what I can do to assist.
>> Regards,
>> ---Peter.
>> On 12/06/2009, at 5:34 PM, John Graybeal wrote:
>>> Ben,
>>> Thanks for this.  I wonder if there is any way to heighten the
>>> distinction between this session and IN15 (I'm one of the co-chairs
>>> there), copied below for info.  Although the words are quite
>>> different a lot of the essence overlaps. Your focus is clearly more
>>> on standards, so that's suggestive.
>>> Of course, this sort of thing is inevitable, so it won't bother me
>>> much if they go in as written.
>>> By the way, we've been discussing how to create an actual discussion
>>> forum at AGU.  So far as I know, there is no way to set up any such
>>> activity, short of a townhall or meeting at some other venue.  I'd
>>> be interested in your feedback.
>>> Thanks for your thoughts, here's the IN15 item:
>>> Strategies for Improved Marine and Synergistic Data Access and
>>> Interoperability
>>> Mindful of the growing number of ecological research data systems,
>>> data management efforts and underlying ontologies, this special
>>> session will focus on solutions to, and strategies for, accessing
>>> marine and synergistic data across multiple collections, platforms,
>>> systems, and standards. The effective integration of data retrieved
>>> from distributed sources depends upon negotiated arrangements of
>>> science domain concepts, metadata frameworks, and community
>>> engagement. We will hear about arrangements of these components for
>>> managing field data and the lessons learned from different
>>> strategies. This session represents an opportunity for the marine
>>> and related data management communities to draw together our diverse
>>> data management experiences and learn from our collective research
>>> efforts and associated community developments.
>>> John
>>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 2:23 PM, Ben Domenico wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Based on valuable feedback to my earlier message, I have
>>>> submitted a
>>>> placeholder session. I believe we can update it if needed, but I
>>>> want
>>>> to get something in before the deadline.   What I submitted is
>>>> pretty
>>>> general, so please consider submitting additional sessions if you
>>>> think more specific topic areas are needed.  I'll include my draft
>>>> which turns out to be session IN19 below..
>>>> sectionid=6
>>>> Many thanks for the quick responses.
>>>> -- Ben
>>>> =========================
>>>> Fostering Multi-disciplinary Research via Interoperable Data
>>>> Systems
>>>> Based on International Geospatial Standards for Earth and Space
>>>> Sciences
>>>> Within the general realm of the Earth sciences, research and
>>>> education
>>>> initiatives are increasingly focusing on the challenging topics and
>>>> the boundaries of the traditional disciplines.   Stovepipe data
>>>> systems have been an impediment to such integrated studies in the
>>>> geosciences.  Hence standards-based interoperability among data
>>>> systems greatly facilitates progress in these important
>>>> multi-disciplinary research fields.
>>>> As a consequence, several groups in the Earth and space sciences
>>>> are
>>>> implementing international open standards for discovery, access and
>>>> processing of geospatial information.   These standards provide for
>>>> interoperability well tuned to the Earth and space sciences,
>>>> because
>>>> members of the same community developed the standards.  This
>>>> session
>>>> will show some of the latest advances in implementing open
>>>> standards
>>>> for access to sensor data, processing of the data suitable for a
>>>> specific decision or research context, and presentation of the
>>>> information to the various communities ranging from researchers,
>>>> policy makers and general public.  Discussion by the session
>>>> participants will result in additional feedback to the standards
>>>> bodies (OGC, ISO, as well as the community standards groups in the
>>>> individual disciplines) to further advance the standards
>>>> applicability
>>>> to Earth and space sciences.
>>>> ===============================================================
>>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 2:15 PM, David Arctur<darctur@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ben, have a look at the link George included for the EGU session
>>>>> details:
>>>>> The EGU session was particularly significant from the breadth of
>>>>> geosciences
>>>>> fields represented. However, I agree with your OGC+ perspective,
>>>>> and would
>>>>> like to encourage ISO, CUAHSI and other community standards groups
>>>>> to submit
>>>>> papers as well. If you've already got your title and description
>>>>> along the
>>>>> lines you just mentioned, I'd like to suggest that David M,
>>>>> Stefano and I
>>>>> co-convene this with you.
>>>>> How does that sound to David M and Stefano?
>>>>> best,
>>>>> dka
>>>>> --
>>>>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 2:37 PM, Ben Domenico wrote:
>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>> The question that comes up for me is whether we want multiple
>>>>> standards-based interoperability sessions.  My idea was to
>>>>> propose
>>>>> one session that was more or less a combination of the two
>>>>> descriptions I sent out in the original email of this thread.
>>>>> Many of
>>>>> the ideas that have come up in the subsequent emails sound pretty
>>>>> similar.  (I don't recall the details of the EGU session
>>>>> description
>>>>> offhand.)
>>>>> In terms of what I had in mind, one possible distinction would be
>>>>> that
>>>>> what I would propose would not be confined to OGC standards but
>>>>> would
>>>>> also embrace ISO and community standards such as the CUAHSI ODM,
>>>>> Unidata netCDF CF, and OPeNDAP which originated in the oceans
>>>>> community ...  and so forth.  But my tendency seems to be to
>>>>> combine
>>>>> things rather than break them into parts.  Bottom line for me is
>>>>> that,
>>>>> if others are going to propose a general standards-based
>>>>> interoperability session, that's great and I will participate in
>>>>> that
>>>>> and will not propose a separate one.
>>>>> Let me know.
>>>>> -- Ben
>>>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Maidment, David
>>>>> R<maidment@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> David:
>>>>>> I would be willing to be a co-convenor of a session on the
>>>>>> application of
>>>>>> OGC standards like the one that Stefano and George organized as a
>>>>>> “splinter
>>>>>> session” in Vienna.
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> From: David Arctur [mailto:darctur@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 1:29 PM
>>>>>> To: George Percivall
>>>>>> Cc: Ben Domenico; Maidment, David R; Stefano Nativi
>>>>>> Subject: Re: AGU ESSI session submission deadline TODAY
>>>>>> Thanks George. I've submitted IN14 for data fusion, but would
>>>>>> like a
>>>>>> co-convener for a session like the one on standards at EGU. Would
>>>>>> any of
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> be interested?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> David Arctur
>>>>>> +1(512)771-1434
>>>>>> Sent from my PDA
>>>>>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:15 PM, George Percivall
>>>>>> <gpercivall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Ben, all,
>>>>>> David Arctur will be attending AGU for OGC this year.
>>>>>> David is submitting two sessions propsoals:
>>>>>> - Fusion session - similar to the one convened by Fox and Arctur
>>>>>> last
>>>>>> year.
>>>>>> - Standards session - similar to the EGU session convened earlier
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> year
>>>>>> by Nativi and Percivall
>>>>>> He is traveling today and may respond a bit later.
>>>>>> George
>>>>>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Ben Domenico wrote:
>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>> It turns out today is the deadline for proposing sessions for the
>>>>>> Fall
>>>>>> AGU meeting.  It will be important to have at least one ESSI
>>>>>> (Earth
>>>>>> and Space Science Informatics) session along the lines of what
>>>>>> has
>>>>>> been done in the past.  From the last two AGU meetings, I've dug
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> two session descriptions that could serve as a model.  If I don't
>>>>>> hear
>>>>>> from anyone else soon,  I'll put something together along these
>>>>>> lines
>>>>>> and submit it.
>>>>>> But I encourage others to submit ESSI sessions as well.
>>>>>> -- Ben
>>>>>> ================================================
>>>>>> Building Interoperability Across the Geosciences
>>>>>> There are a number of critical stumbling blocks to overcome in
>>>>>> creating the geoinformatics component of the Cyberinfrastructure
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> the Sciences. These challenges include: agreement on common
>>>>>> standards,
>>>>>> vocabularies, and protocols; engagement in a vast number of
>>>>>> distributed data resources; practices for recognition of and
>>>>>> respect
>>>>>> of intellectual property; a simple data discovery system with
>>>>>> distributed and integrated catalogues; mechanisms to encourage
>>>>>> development of web sevice tools for analysis; and business models
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> continuing maintenance and evolution of information. This session
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> showcase the national and international initiatives and
>>>>>> partnerships
>>>>>> that are successfully overcoming these challenges and starting to
>>>>>> achieve interoperability across geoscience domains.  These
>>>>>> efforts
>>>>>> include organized systems and networks such as the Geosciences
>>>>>> Information Network,OneGeology, GeoSciNet,and the National
>>>>>> Geoinformatics System, as well as use of standards such as
>>>>>> GeoSciML,
>>>>>> WaterML, OGC and a number of others. Presentations will discuss
>>>>>> progress to date, philosophies, and solutions to problems in
>>>>>> informatics and building interoperability.  Examples will include
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> kinds of dynamic and powerful science capabilities that can be
>>>>>> realized.
>>>>>> Standards-Based Interoperability Among Tools and Data Services in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Earth Sciences
>>>>>> Topics for this session include development of interoperable data
>>>>>> access, analysis and display systems based on evolving
>>>>>> international
>>>>>> standards.  These are embodied by a variety of efforts
>>>>>> including:  the
>>>>>> specifications of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and ISO
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> community standards such as OPeNDAP, the netCDF Climate and
>>>>>> Forecast
>>>>>> Conventions, the standards adoption processes at NASA and NOAA,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> the Observations Data Model of the hydrology community.  Examples
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> concerted efforts to develop demonstrations of these
>>>>>> interoperability
>>>>>> technologies include:  Geo-interface to Atmosphere, Land,
>>>>>> Environment,
>>>>>> Ocean; netCDF (GALEON); the Ocean Sciences Interoperability
>>>>>> Experiment; and GEOSS Web Services Network (GWS).  These
>>>>>> initiatives
>>>>>> are facilitating standards-based access to multi-dimensional
>>>>>> Fluid
>>>>>> Earth Science (mainly the atmospheric and ocean sciences)
>>>>>> datasets by
>>>>>> employing and influencing the evolution of the emerging standards
>>>>>> such
>>>>>> as Web Coverage Service (WCS), Web Feature Service (WFS), Catalog
>>>>>> Services for the Web (CS-W), and the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)
>>>>>> suite
>>>>>> which includes the Sensor Observation Service (SOS).
>>>>>> Presentations and
>>>>>> demonstrations for this session are encouraged for
>>>>>> interoperability
>>>>>> efforts in addition to those mentioned here.  If possible, there
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> be a special electronic poster area set up for live, online
>>>>>> demonstrations of these interoperability technologies.
>>>>>> ================================================
>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:01 PM, David Maidment<maidment@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ben:
>>>>>> We should definitely do a session at Fall AGU on “Data
>>>>>> Interoperability in
>>>>>> the Geosciences using OGC Standards”.   I went to several
>>>>>> sessions on
>>>>>> informatics at EGU Vienna and there was a lot of interesting
>>>>>> stuff
>>>>>> presented
>>>>>> but the most interesting session was one that was not at first in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> formal
>>>>>> program – a “splinter session” that Stefano and George Per
>>>>>> civall
>>>>>> of OGC
>>>>>> organized informally that had a series of presentations about use
>>>>>> of OGC
>>>>>> standards in various geosciences domains.   The difference
>>>>>> between this
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> the other informatics sessions was the session had an
>>>>>> intellectual spine
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> a consistent methodology while what I heard in other sessions
>>>>>> was a
>>>>>> collection of neat stuff without a lot of common patterns. I have
>>>>>> to say,
>>>>>> though, that netCDF and THREDDS is a common pattern that is
>>>>>> starting to
>>>>>> emerge here in Europe.  I was VERY impressed by the work
>>>>>> presented by Jon
>>>>>> Blower of the Reading e-Science Center about the use of THREDDS
>>>>>> by the UK
>>>>>> Met Office.  Sounds like you have a great engagement with them.
>>>>>> I am in
>>>>>> Geneva with Ilya Zaslavsky now and will meet to today with people
>>>>>> from the
>>>>>> WMO about the OGC/WMO working group in hydrology.  It’s a meet
>>>>>> and greet
>>>>>> session to get to know one another.
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> From: bendomenico@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:bendomenico@xxxxxxxxx] On
>>>>>> Behalf Of
>>>>>> Ben
>>>>>> Domenico
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 9:01 PM
>>>>>> To: David Maidment
>>>>>> Cc: Stefano Nativi; George Percivall
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Digital Earth
>>>>>> Hi David, Stefano and George,
>>>>>> I'm pleased that the EGU sessions have gone well.  A month or two
>>>>>> ago I
>>>>>> contacted the AGU about publishing ESSI presentations in an
>>>>>> electronic
>>>>>> form.
>>>>>> There was interest and a few questions from their electronic
>>>>>> journals
>>>>>> person.  But I have not heard back from them since I answered
>>>>>> their
>>>>>> questions.
>>>>>> This is a good reminder to me to pester them about it once more.
>>>>>> Wish I were there.  Because the Europeans are so committed to
>>>>>> standards,
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> EGU is a great meeting for such discussions.
>>>>>> -- Ben
>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:12 AM, David Maidment <maidment@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Stefano:
>>>>>> Your issue of Digital Earth is cool. It would be good to do
>>>>>> something
>>>>>> similar from this meeting.
>>>>>> Thanks for your leadership of EGU-ESSI.  I was very enlightened
>>>>>> by our
>>>>>> session on OGC services yesterday. We should do something similar
>>>>>> for AGU
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> San Francisco in December.
>>>>>> I agree that OGC standards are the way to go to achieve
>>>>>> interoperability
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the GeoSciences.
>>>>>> David
>>>>>> David R. Maidment
>>>>>> Director, Center for Research in Water Resources
>>>>>> University of Texas
>>>>>> Austin Tx 78712
>>>>>> Tel: (512) 471-0065
>>>>>> Email: maidment@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> George Percivall
>>>>>> Open Geospatial Consortium
>>>>>> E-mail: percivall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> Voice: +1-301-560-6439
>>>>>> ***
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>>> John
>>> --------------
>>> John Graybeal   <mailto:graybeal@xxxxxxxxx>  -- 831-775-1956
>>> Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
>>> Marine Metadata Interoperability Project:
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>>> John
>>> --------------
>>> John Graybeal   <mailto:graybeal@xxxxxxxxx>  -- 831-775-1956
>>> Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
>>> Marine Metadata Interoperability Project:
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John Graybeal   <mailto:graybeal@xxxxxxxxx>  -- 831-775-1956
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project:

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