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[galeon] Highlights of the OGC Technical Committee Meetings

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Below is the powerpoint summary of the CF-netCDF Standards Working Group
session at last week's OpenGeospatial Consortium Technical Committee
meeting.   The session was held Tuesday, 21 September 2010   11:00 – 13:00

   - One (positive) comment so far from the RFC on the Core and Binary
   Encoding CF-netCDF Candidate Standards
   - Note that CF governing committee has been contacted regarding  CF
   submission to OGC, modeled on NASA SPG spec (Ben Domenico)
   - Description of the CF extension to the netCDF core (Stefano Nativi)
   - Description of the CF-netCDF encoding extension to WCS (Stefano)
   - General Discussion
   - No motions, no votes

The resulting SWG action items were:

   - Follow up on suggestion to standardize vocabulary for some netCDF
   global variables.
   - Investigate sending a copy of OGC CF-netCDF RFC to the CF-conventions
   mail list
   - Check with HDF group to see if they are considering OGC standardization
   - Investigate which version of CF addresses CRS/Datum issues
   - Get the version numbers correct for all the standards being proposed
   and referenced in the CF-netCDF specs.
   - Get OPeNDAP community input on mechanism proposed to deliver OPeNDAP
   URL as a proxy for a netCDF file

One other topic of special interest that came up at the meeting is the fact
that the stars are aligning for a couple meetings in Colorado a year from
now.  UCAR/Unidata is hosting the OGC Technical Committee meetings the week
of September 19, 2011 in Boulder and the FOSS4G (Free and Open Source 4
Geosciences) meetings and workshops are the week before (Sept 12) in Denver .
 Both these meetings are of interest to many members of the community and we
have people involved in planning for both.  In addition, we could plan for a
special presence at either or both meetings or possibly could plan a
"bridge" meeting/workshop of some sort between the two.

-- Ben
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