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Re: computer freezes

I would have responded to this thread earlier but I was out late last week. We had tons of problems with our ldm server running Linux last fall which sounds very similar to the behavior you are describing. I had migrated our LDM from Freebsd to Linux (Slackware, not that it makes much difference) and had huge problems with I/O waits bogging the entire system down. ...

What version of the kernel were you running?  For example

    $ uname -r

Versions of the 2.6 kernel earlier than 2.6.10 (I think) appear to have
a very bad I/O performance bug.

I built every release from 2.6.7 though 2.6.9. I though I had tried a release candidate 2.6.10 but it's not in my notes so I'm not sure of the details. I had given up a significant amount of time trying to get it to work and had to draw the line somewhere so I migrated back to Freebsd at the end of November. I may revisit Linux on our ldm next time we have a hardware upgrade, it just wasn't up to the task at the time.

Mark Tucker
Meteorology Dept. Systems Administrator
Lyndon State College

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