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Re: [gembud] Creating composite from


Thanks a million for those details. I appreciate it. Looks pretty
complicated but understandable.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 8:36 AM, <pmanousos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi John - we do the same thing here that you are looking to do.  We create
> national radar using nex2gini.
> We found that nex2gini "knows" where to look for the individual site radar
> files using the setting found in $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl in the line
> beginning with NEXRIII.
> So when you pull one of these radar files from the ftp site, it should
> "land" in the directory using the format in the second column of that line.
>  For example the second column in that line of datatype.tbl is
> $RAD/LOCAL/%SITE%/%PROD% -- which means if we pull a radar file from
> Taunton, MA it lands in the $RAD/LOCAL/BOX/BREF1 directory in the format
> BREF1_YYYYMMDD_HHMM.   (Forgive me if you know this already but dont forget
> $RAD is defined in the Gemenviron file in your home directory of GEMPAK..
> and we established that all of our "local" radar data -- that is the radar
> data from any one site -- would sit in a $RAD/LOCAL dir).
> The trick here is when you pull an "sn.last" file from the ftp server the
> first two lines of the file contain the site ID and the DDHHMM info in the
> headers.  We decode those to help form the correct YYYYMMDD_HHMM string to
> name the file that lands in the $RAD/LOCAL/BOX/BREF1 directory.
> For example if you pull a sn.last file and look at its first two lines you
> might see
> SDUS51 KBOX 091259
> We will will place this in our $RAD/LOCAL/BOX/BREF1 directory as
> BREF1_20120809_1259.   TIP -  although you can use the system time to
> provide the 201208 (year and month info) we use the time that particular
> sn.last file was posted on teh ftp server (we pull these using wget and
> first pull a directory listing to get the post time then the file itself).
> Once you've done that for all the latest sn.last files on the ftp server
> you are ready to generate a composite using nex2gini - which can be real
> touchy:
> SATFIL is the name of the output file that will be created -- and WONT
> write an output file if there are upper case chars in the output path you
> provide (gives a -3 error) - ours is natl_raw_YYYYMMDD_HHNN where here the
> YYYYMMDD_HHNN is literally that character string - nex2gini figures out
> using the system time how to fill that in with year month date hour minute
> info.
> GFUNC can be either upper or lower case but has to match the %PROD% subdir
> in the NEXRIII alias (for us its BREF1 or bref1)
> our GRDAREA, PROJ, KXKY, settings are as follows
> GRDAREA=19.315;-121.415;49.5727;-62.4067
> PROJ=lcc/38;-98;38
> KXKY=4300;3000
> CPFIL is blank and we use a RADTIM=current, RADDUR=20 (ignores radar
> images more than 20 minute older than the system -- or current time).  Our
> RADMOD=pc (we want both precip and clear air mode data in the composite).
>  We also use compress=yes and a radfrq=0 as if radfrq is not zero the
> program will repeat every n minutes.
> This isnt  the whole story for the individual file though - inorder for
> them to be displayed in NMAP2 and gpmap because we were naming these
> individual site files "BREF1_YYYYMM files, we had to be sure the file
> $GEMTBL/unidata/nex2gini.tbl had a line in it for BREF1 data - ours was
>  BREF1 27 1 dbz,0,105,-30,75 TICZ99 CHIZ   where the 27 is a band and the
> DBZ is the header that gets plotted on the colorbar when displaying the
> individual (not composite) site radar data.  That number 27 was important
> because it linked it to a file $GEMTBL/sat/imgtyp.tbl which has an entry
> RADAR N0R 0 105 11 2**26 bref1_ref.tbl -- the first word is the image type,
> the second is the image content, the next two are seemingly min/max scale
> values. The word with the asterisks is in the format 2**bandminus1 --- well
> our band is 27 so that is why we have 2**26 and the last word is the
> enhancement that will be applied to this type of image (we created our own
> called bref1_ref.tbl and stuffed it in $GEMTBL/luts  directory.
> That was easy wasnt it?
> You should have enough here to do what you need but it will take some
> trial and error.  Good luck.
> Pete
> From:        John Coryat <coryat@xxxxxxxxx>
> To:        gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date:        08/08/2012 05:58 PM
> Subject:        [gembud] Creating composite from
> Sent by:        gembud-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------
> I'm working on a creating composites for the US using NEXRAD level III
> data at 10 minute intervals.
> I'm having a problem taking the data from NOAA's ftp site to the correct
> location and file format in GEMPAK.
> I would like to know how I can store and process data from NOAA's site:
> **<>.<station
> id>/sn.last
> into GEMPAK using gdplot3, nex2img or ?
> Thanks in advance for any assistance in this matter.
> -John Coryat_______________________________________________
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