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Re: [gembud] [awips2-users] Unidata releases AWIPS 16.1.5

Recently, updating to 16.1.5 and when I attempt to click any menus on GFE
including "Populate" and "Grids".. I get this message in AlertVIZ:

Unhandled event loop exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager.doItemFill(
    at org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager.update(
    at org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager.access$1(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu.gtk_show(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.windowProc(

Is anyone else getting this error?


On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 1:31 PM, Keith Latteri <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Does this upgrade fix GFE plugins such as hazards? I did notice on the
> developer preview a couple days ago, there were missing localization files
> for zones used my GFE.
> Keith
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 2, 2016, at 12:43 PM, Michael James <mjames@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> CAVE 16.1.5 requires a full uninstall/reinstall above 14.4 or 15.1 (just
> this once, hopefully) due to fundamental changes in the program executable.
> Subsequent updates will be handled by yum without the need to
> uninstall/reinstall. The shell script
> should be used
> to install this release as well as all subsequent updates (No client files
> will be affected by this since bundles, colormaps, and other configuration
> files will stay put in ~/caveData/).
> To install/update CAVE for Linux, download and run
> To install/update EDEX for Linux, download and run
> What's New in 16.1.5:
>    - Switching the localization site in CAVE Preferences now updates the
>    side-view maps to the new WFO area of responsibility.
>    - New general "awips2-localization" RPM obsoletes site-specific
>    "awips2-localization-OAX" with support for all WFOs.
>    - Simply running "cave" will launch the program, running the full path
>    name /awips2/cave/ is no longer required.
>    - Full support for UNIWISC McIDAS AREA files, including new support
>    for
>       - 20km Global Rectilinear IR and WV
>       - 30km Global Mollweide IR and WV
>    - Support for HIMAWARI-8 McIDAS AREA files
>    - Fix for GINI projection error in decoding of Supernational composites
>    - New colormap defaults for IR and WV imagery; GEMPAK colormaps also
>    have been added
>    - New default map projections include Global Mercator, Global
>    Mollweide, and Regional displays for Alaska, Africa, Antarctica, Aus/NZ,
>    Europe, Hawaii, Japan, Pacific Ocean, Puerto Rico, and South America.
>    - Various bug fixes for the GFE Perspective
>    - New package "awips2-python-gfe" makes available various Python
>    functions used by GFE which were previously absent.
>    - Hold-right-click menu on product stack now includes Interpolation
>    toggle.
>    - Default display of FNEXRAD composites using data interpolation and
>    decreased tiling for clearer data display.
>    - Two-pane toggle added to D2D right-click menu (along with existing
>    4-pane toggle)
>    - Two-pane displays are now oriented side-by-side rather than
>    above-and-below.
>    - Reconfigured D2D NSHARP plugin display selectable stations
>    - Reconfigured image export with default timestamp in file name to
>    prevent overwriting. Files are now exported to /awips2/export/<USER>/
>    - GFS20 replacing GFS40 in the Models menu
>    - New METAR precip total plugin colorizes rainfall amounts
>    - Metar surface winds bundle added to Surface menu
>    - Reorganization of Surface WATCH/WARN bundles, loadable as
>    TStorm/Tornado, Flood, Marine, Extreme Wines, and "all".  Bundle polygon
>    contrast has been increased as well.
>    - Redbook graphics bundles displayed with higher contour contrast
>    - Complete regional imagery Satellite sub-menu with full product set
>    for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Arctic composites.
>    - New Satellite sub-menus for NOAAport GINI products (GOES East, GOES
>    West, GOES E/W 10 km Composite, 24 km National Composite, 24 km NH
>    Composite, Sounder Imagery
>    - NPP VIIRS Near Constant Contrast bundle composites all available
>    area for product display.
>    - ESRL/GSD experimental 3 km HRRR now supported (HRRRX), ingesting on
> (though still missing some grib parameters)
>    - Better httpd logging removes the unnecessary reporting of internal
>    connection (responsible for approx. 90% of httpd log file size), and logs
>    hostname of client machine, if available.
>    - Default default purge rule for satellite products preserve 96 frames
>    (12 day archive for Global IR/WV composites), and 288 frames (24 hours) for
>    FNEXRAD images.
>    - GFE server support available for all WFOs, not just OAX (requires a
>    change to setup.env and edex_camel restart - this does not mean support for
>    all server sites simultaneously)
>    - Binlightning, nctaf, and nctext decoders re-enabled.
>    - Removed all metar/synop-to-Shef processing due to performance
>    problems.
>    - CAVE operates strictly in practice mode, preventing WarnGen products
>    from being pushed to a connected EDEX server.
>    - GEMPAK can not be installed from the AWIPS yum repository (simply
>    "yum install gempak").
> Important links:
>    - User guide:
>    - On github:
>    - Submit an issue:
>    - Submit a support request:
>    - Python AWIPS data access framework:
> _______________________________________________
> NOTE: All exchanges posted to Unidata maintained email lists are
> recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly
> available through the web.  Users who post to any of the lists we
> maintain are reminded to remove any personal information that they
> do not want to be made public.
> awips2-users mailing list
> awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> For list information, to unsubscribe, or change your membership options,
> visit:
> _______________________________________________
> NOTE: All exchanges posted to Unidata maintained email lists are
> recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly
> available through the web.  Users who post to any of the lists we
> maintain are reminded to remove any personal information that they
> do not want to be made public.
> awips2-users mailing list
> awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> For list information, to unsubscribe, or change your membership options,
> visit:
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