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Problem with IDV


I have some problem to make IDV generate figures using data from
Catalogs.  IDV works fine with the rest of the examples in the "Getting
Started" section though.

The detail of the hardware and software is provided as the following.
OS: Scientific Linux with latest security updates
CPU: Intel Pentium 3GHz
Video: Intel (82)945G with i810 driver
IDV version: 1.3b2 (precompiled binary)
The only Java installed in the one that came with the IDV binary.

What I have done is, in the Data Source Chooser, I added the source, IDV
Catalogs -> Model Data -> Unidata IDD Model Data (netCDF) -> ncep nam
80km... -> Latest NCEP NAM 80km CONUS model data.  Then in the Field
Selector, I chose 3D grid -> Pressure vertical velocity at isobaric
levels -> Plan Views -> Contour Plan View -> Create Display.  In really
rare cases, the plan view could be generated.  Most of the time, IDV
just kept running, but no output was produced.  Neither CPU nor RAM was

I have tried to install IDV on another machine that runs Red Hat EL4,
and the same problem persisted.  Double-checking on a windows machine,
IDV worked just fine.  Any help would be appreciated.

Wen-shiang Chen

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