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[idvusers] ISCCP DX netCDF files in IDV? Also, XML parse errors from catalogs


Two questions:

First, regarding

Is it possible to open this file with IDV? None of the options seem to
work. It's a netCDF file; ncview's display of its 2D fields look

According to the global attributes it's formatted following "CF-1.0"
conventions. Here's an excerpt from the start of 'ncdump -c' output:

                pixel = 94379 ;
                GeoX = 500 ;
                GeoY = 550 ;
                int pixel(pixel) ;
                        pixel:long_name = "Pixel Number" ;
                int lat(pixel) ;
                        lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
                        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                        lat:scale_factor = 0.1f ;
                        lat:add_offset = -90.f ;
                int lon(pixel) ;
                        lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
                        lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                        lon:scale_factor = 0.1f ;
                int GeoX(pixel) ;
                        GeoX:long_name = "X Position" ;
                        GeoX:_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoX" ;
                int GeoY(pixel) ;
                        GeoY:long_name = "Y Position" ;
                        GeoY:_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoY" ;
                int gxpos(GeoX, GeoY) ;
                        gxpos:long_name = "X Position" ;
                int gypos(GeoX, GeoY) ;
                        gypos:long_name = "Y Position" ;
                int lat_g(GeoX, GeoY) ;
                        lat_g:long_name = "Latitude" ;
                        lat_g:units = "degrees_north" ;
                        lat_g:scale_factor = 0.1f ;
                        lat_g:add_offset = -90.f ;
                int lon_g(GeoX, GeoY) ;
                        lon_g:long_name = "Longitude" ;
                        lon_g:units = "degrees_east" ;
                        lon_g:scale_factor = 0.1f ;

Second, browsing THREDDS catalogs is hampered by the number of parse
errors that are encountered, using both versions 2.3 and 2.5 of IDV. A
couple of examples:

        Expanding xlink 
        Error parsing xml:
        The declaration for the entity "HTML.Version" must
         end with '>'.
        The declaration for the entity "HTML.Version" must
         end with '>'. line:31 column:3
        Error parsing xml: The declaration for the entity "HTML.Version"
         must end with '>'.
        The declaration for the entity "HTML.Version" must
         end with '>'. line:31 column:3

Has anyone else seen this? Is it a problem with IDV or TDS? Apparently
the THREDDS catalog validator that used to be available has disappeared.



Tod Hagan
Information Technologist
AIRMAP/Climate Change Research Center
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: 603-862-3116

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