[idvusers] 20220617: upcoming product addition to the IDD NIMAGE feed

Users of the IDD NIMAGE feed products:

This coming Thursday, June 23, a new set of GLM composite products will
be added to the IDD NIMAGE feed.  The new GLM products are similar but
not identical to the GLM products that are currently being distributed
in the NIMAGE feed - see below for details on how the products differ.

Why are the new GLM images being added?

The grant that has funded the creation of the TTU GLM products is due
to expire on July 21.  The new NOAA Virtual Lab (Vlab) GLM products are
intended to be a replacement for the TTU products.

What are the differences in the TTU and Vlab GLM products?

The Vlab products differ from the TTU products in several ways:

- the TTU products have both CONUS and FullDisk coverages while
  the Vlab products all have FullDisk coverage

- the TTU products contain Level2 fields while there are Level2 and
  Level3 fields in the Vlab products

  the TTU products contain 8 Level2 fields:


  The Vlab products contain 3 Level2 fields:


  and 6 Level3 fields:


How can I differentiate the new Vlab products from the TTU products?

The LDM/IDD Product IDs for the TTU and Vlab products  differ in the
directory portion of the product pathname which is used as the Product
ID, but not in the product name itself:

For example:

TTU FullDisk Level2 Product Id:


Vlab FullDisk Level2 Product Id:


Vlab FullDisk Level3 Product Id:



Since the product names for the Vlab and TTU products follow the GOES-R
ground station naming convention, one's LDM pattern-action file action(s)
that processes GLM products must differentiate between the TTU and Vlab
products using the directory component of the Product IDs.  Since the
Vlab products differ from the TTU products, it will be important to
write the products into separate areas on disk.

Please send any questions/comments about this addition to the IDD NIMAGE
feed to:

Unidata User Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Best regards,

Unidata User Support
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