[idvusers] 20220908: New Unidata ADDE services configuration

Users of Unidata ADDE data servers:

We are in the process of updating our ADDE services to increase the
robustness of our offerings.  As part of this effort, we are moving
towards making ADDE a service that can be moved to new systems while
keeping the same service name, adde.ucar.edu. In order to accomplish
this transition with the least impact possible, we need your help!

The first thing we are asking users to do is stop pointing at atm.ucar.edu
and/or atm-nwsc.unidata.ucar.edu for ADDE services and to move to using
the more generic service name adde.ucar.edu.

Our traffic monitoring is showing that there are still some users who are
ADDE services directly from
atm.ucar.edu, and this is hampering our ability to perform needed system
maintenance on the machine.  At some point in the not too distant future,
we will be forced to shutdown atm.ucar.edu for maintenance, so this note
is intended to inform ADDE users of atm.ucar.edu of the need to update
their configurations as soon as possible.

In an attempt to reduce the number of ADDE dataset definitions that we
maintain on all of our public-facing ADDE servers and to increase the
usability  and persistence of dataset definitions, we are asking all users
to migrate
to use of the following for GOES L1b imagery and L2 products:

WEST    - real-time GRB imagery from GOES-West
WESTALL - "rolling archive" of GRB imagery from GOES-West

NPGEAST - real-time NOAAPort imagery from GOES-East
NPGEALL - "rolling archive" of NOAAPort imagery from GOES-East

NPGWEST - real-time NOAAPort imagery from GOES-West
NPGWALL - "rolling archive" of NOAAPort imagery from GOES-West

L2GEAST  - real-time GOES-East Level 2 products from NOAAPort,
            a subset of NPGEAST
L2GEALL  - "rolling archive" of Level 2 products from GOES-East,
            a subset of NPGEALL

L2GWEST  - real-time GOES-West Level 2 products from NOAAPort,
            a subset of NPGWEST
L2GWALL  - "rolling archive" of Level 2 products from GOES-West,
            a subset of NPGWALL


- Currently, GOES-East imagery is provided solely by GOES-16, but
   GOES-West imagery can be from either GOES-17 or GOES-18, GOES-18
   during interleave testing.

- We are intending to remove those definitions at some point in the
   future, so migrating to use of the new datasets sooner than later
   is strongly encouraged!

To recap:

1) We are asking all ADDE users to stop pointing at atm.ucar.edu and/or
    atm-nwsc.unidata.ucar.edu, and point at adde.ucar.edu instead.

2) We are asking all ADDE users to migrate to use of the EAST, EASTALL,
    WEST, WESTALL, etc. datasets.

Please let us know if the information above is unclear, or if you are
uncertain of what you need to do to accommodate our requests by sending
email to:  support-idv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Best regards,

Unidata User Support

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