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20030401: Unidata McIDAS-X v2002b available for download

>From: Unidata Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200208011752.g71HqF902073 Unidata McIDAS-X,-XCD v2002b download

Unidata McIDAS-X Users,

Unidata McIDAS-X,-XCD v2002b is now available for download.

Users can download this addendum to McIDAS-X, -XCD through the
'Downloads' link on the left side of the
home after logging in.

Information on the contents of this addendum and instructions for
installing it can be found in the 'Updates/Bug Fixes (aka addendum)'
link under the 'Hot Topics' link on the Unidata McIDAS-X web pages:

v2002b addendum highlights include:

- all code modifications contained in SSEC addenda a, b, and c and
  UPC addendum a

- Linux workstations can now reliably serve vertical profile (e.g.,
  sounding) data through the remote ADDE server

- current versions of Tcl/Tk can now be used with Unidata McIDAS-X
  (v2002 was sent out with Tcl/Tk Version 8.0.4; the current release
  of Tcl/Tk is 8.4.1)

- ADDEIMAGE.CORE (image display defaults for the MCGUI) was updated
  to support the CIMSS Wildfire ABBA images that will be added to the
  Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD feed UNIWISC) datastream

- the station databases, STNDB.CORE and STNDB.SITE were updated

- the NEXRAD Level III list server was updated to print out information
  on the calibration of image values in IMGDISP FORM=AUX invocations

- numerous bugs were fixed in the MCGUI

- support routines for the XCD data monitor DMSYN have been modified to
  stop excessive CPU use

- XCD GRIB data decoding has been modified to better support high
  resolution model output available from NWS FTP sites (e.g., 1 deg
  AVN, 12 km ETA, etc.)

As always, the main Unidata McIDAS-X distribution file, mcidasx2002.tar.Z
has been updated with all changes contained in the addendum.  Sites
can either upgrade their existing v2002 installations through the
addenda process, or they can install the full distribution from source.


- Sites choosing to download the full distribution will switch
  to use of Tcl/Tk 8.4.1.

- Sites updating their existing v2002 installation will continue
  to use Tcl/Tk 8.0.4

Please send any/all questions related to installing this distribution
or upgrading from a previous installation to Unidata User Support at

Tom Yoksas
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