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Re: RedHat support changes

Hey all:

Red Hat will be sponsoring the Fedora project, which in my understanding will contain many of the RedHat "enhancements" but will not receive commercial support. I'm sure the mindset is that if you can afford the commercial support then you can afford their Enterprise line. for more info.

Aaron Cline

Brad Teale wrote:

 I don't use gempak, but I do run the LDM.  I have had good luck with the
LDM on Slackware and Debian.  Both of which are good distros that can be
stripped down or inflated as needed.

Pros for Debian:
- apt-get package management (similar to rpm, but without the annoying
- Debian usually releases patches within hours of a security hole
- apt-get upgrade only upgrades needed packages and lets you see what
  are being updated.

Cons for Debian:
- stable tree is pretty far behind, but apt sources are out there with back
  for more up to date software (
- learning the Zen behind Debian takes some time.

Pros for Slack:
- it is the original distro so the community is there
- it maintains a familiar setup across versions (same install interface for
as long
  as I can remember).
- uses tgz for packages, so management is easy.

Cons for Slack:
- Get used to compiling packages.  Most of the applications I've used
didn't have
  slackware pre-made packages, so grab the source and start compiling.

There are many more, but everyone has their favorite.  I'm currently running


-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur A. Person [mailto:person@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 3:20 PM
To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RedHat support changes


It was brought to my attention today that RedHat is apparently dropping
support for it's free versions of Linux.  This leaves us (and I'm sure
many of you) in a quandary as to what to do.  The options appear to be
either to buy support (which apparently will be $150 per desktop, more for
servers) or switch to another vendor.

We will probably be forced to switch to another vendor, at least for many of our desktops, because of the costs involved. I'd be interested in any opinions anyone has as to preferences for other Linux distributions and why. Also, are there any gotcha's with the other distro's as far as running the LDM and gempak are concerned?



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