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Re: [ldm-users] Galaxy-15 interference (fwd)

I verified with NOAA that the difficulties they had Friday and Sunday with NOAAPORT were not actually due to interference with "zombiesat"--that interference is due to occur next week.

Jeff Masters

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 17:33:10 -0500
From: Jami Casamento <Jami.Casamento@xxxxxxxx>
To: Jeff Masters <jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: _NWS NOAAPORT / SBN Support <>
Subject: Re: Galaxy-15 interference

The outages were direct results of preparing for the Galaxy-15 interference with SEC-1.

The interference is still projected to take place between 12/12/10 and 12/18/10.


On 12/8/2010 3:42 PM, Jeff Masters wrote:

Hello, I write weather blogs for, a popular weather web site. I'm planning on writing a post about the Galaxy-15 bird, and was wondering whether the outages we experienced on Sunday and Friday were actually due to interference from Galaxy-15, or whether they were due to ground station operators preparing for the anticipated interference? It sounds to me from the message below that we haven't begun to experience interference from Galaxy-15 yet.

 Dr. Jeff Masters (jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)                    (  )
 Director of Meteorology                                        (    )
 Weather Underground, Inc.                                     (      )
 300 N Fifth Ave #240                                           ------
 Ann Arbor, MI 48104                                             \\\\\
 734-994-8824 (voice)                                             \`\`\

-------- Original Message --------

NOUS72 KNCF 081909
WHAT:  SBN / NOAAPort Potential Satellite Interference ? NOTICE 1
WHEN:  12/13/10 to 12/18/10 (for a period of 2 to 10 hours)
A risk has been identified when the Galaxy 15 'rogue' satellite traverses the SES-1 orbital position which may result in a possible loss of data via the NWS AWIPS SBN / NOAAPort feed. This potential interference may take place between 12/13/10 and 12/18/10, inclusive, according to our satellite contractor. The duration of the interference event could be anywhere from 2 hours to 10 hours. We are continuing to research and analyze the full impact and risk to the AWIPS SBN / NOAAPort programs.
The following plan is being finalized to mitigate impact to our customers:
1.The AWIPS SBN / NOAAPort data will be routed as usual from ANCF to the Primary Master Ground Station (MGS) located in Hauppauge, NY via terrestrial communication lines. 2.The Hauppauge MGS will broadcast the AWIPS SBN / NOAAPort feed through another satellite (TBD) to the SES Americom MGS in Hawaii (11m antenna). 3.The AWIPS SBN / NOAAPort feed will then rebroadcasted through the MGS in Hawaii (9m antenna) to SES-1 (transponder 13C) and then downlinked using the current AWIPS SBN / NOAAPort parameters. NOTE: No adjustments or configuration changes to the AWIPS SBN WFO Sites or NOAAPort customers' equipment will need to be made. The MGS in Hawaii is outside of the Galaxy 15 footprint, minimizing any risk of satellite interference taking place between Galaxy 15 and SES-1 during this event. After confirmation is received that Galaxy 15 can no longer interfere with the AWIPS SBN satellite (SES-1), we will return all services to their normal configuration. Additional information will be provided regarding this potential problem as more information is made available.
Thank you,
Jami Casamento
Galaxy 15 Reference Information:

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