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[ldm-users] metrics logs

Fellow LDMers,

For some time, I've been monitoring our ldm(s) (on several machines) by 
plotting the 5-min loads in the metrics log and putting them on a web page I 
could check periodically..  Sometime overnight, on each of the machines, 
something strange happened.  Rather than adding to the existing log file, each 
time the ldmadmin addmetrics command is executed by cron, a new metrics file is 
created.  Here's what I'm seeing in the log directory now:

[ldm@idd ~]$ ls -l logs
total 16
-rw-r--r--. 1 ldm apps   0 Aug 24  2014 ldmd.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 ldm apps   0 Aug 23  2014 ldm-mcidas.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 ldm apps   0 Jun  7 10:36 metrics.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 ldm apps 112 Jun  7 10:35 metrics.txt.1
-rw-r--r--. 1 ldm apps 111 Jun  7 10:30 metrics.txt.2
-rw-r--r--. 1 ldm apps 112 Jun  7 10:25 metrics.txt.3
-rw-r--r--. 1 ldm apps 110 Jun  7 10:20 metrics.txt.4

And here's the crontab for user ldm on that machine:

[ldm@idd ~]$ crontab -l
# Monitor system performance
*/5 * * * * bin/ldmadmin addmetrics
*/5 * * * * ./ &> /dev/null
# New metrics file every week
* * * * 0 bin/ldmadmin newmetrics

and here's the ldm registry:

[ldm@idd ~]$ regutil
/delete-info-files : 0
/hostname :
/insertion-check-interval : 300
/reconciliation-mode : do nothing
/check-time/enabled : 1
/check-time/limit : 10
/check-time/warn-if-disabled : 1
/check-time/ntpdate/command : /usr/sbin/ntpdate
/check-time/ntpdate/servers :
/check-time/ntpdate/timeout : 5
/metrics/count : 4
/metrics/file : /usr/local/ldm/logs/metrics.txt
/metrics/files : /usr/local/ldm/logs/metrics.txt*
/metrics/netstat-command : /bin/netstat -A inet -t -n
/metrics/top-command : /usr/bin/top -b -n 1
/log/count : 7
/log/file : /usr/local/ldm/var/logs/ldmd.log
/log/rotate : 1
/pqsurf/config-path : /usr/local/ldm/etc/pqsurf.conf
/pqsurf/datadir-path : /usr/local/ldm/var/data
/scour/config-path : /usr/local/ldm/etc/scour.conf
/surf-queue/path : /usr/local/ldm/var/queues/pqsurf.pq
/surf-queue/size : 2000000
/server/config-path : /usr/local/ldm/etc/ldmd.conf
/server/ip-addr :
/server/max-clients : 256
/server/max-latency : 3600
/server/port : 388
/server/time-offset : 3600
/queue/path : /usr/local/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq
/queue/size : 4G
/queue/slots : default
/pqact/config-path : /usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact.conf
/pqact/datadir-path : /usr/local/ldm/var/data

If I run ldmadmin addmetrics manually, it appends to the logs/metrics.txt file 

Has anyone else every experienced this type of behavior?  As I said, it 
occurred on more than one machine (6, to be exact) overnight; some running 
CentOS 6, some running CentOS 7..  It had been working fine for months up until 
today. I've attached a sample plot from one of the machines.


Clinton M. Rowe
Professor and Graduate Chair                     phone:(402)472-1946
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences                       fax:(402)472-4917
University of Nebraska- Lincoln                       

Attachment: idd_load.png
Description: idd_load.png

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