Re: [ldm-users] CPC website down?

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Does anyone have any updates or more info on this? The ftp site at has been offline for several hours, and the ncep status page is also unavailable for me:

Updated status... I did get a response from NCO Ops. Apparently lots of users reporting the issue:

*2024-06-25 01:33:25 EDT - Iva Talley*^Additional comments
NCWCP Network Issue - UPDATE #3

Key Points

No major updates to recovery efforts in NCWCP.
Troubleshooting teams have traced the issue to a duplicate IP in the network, and they continue to work towards tracking it down.
Impacted Operational Service(s)
caphandler, including WEA is down.
MADIS is down.
FTPPRD is down.
TGFTP is down.
SPADES is down.
EDIS is down.
NWPS hydrodata is not updated.
OPC, CPC, EMC websites are down.
SPC, AWC, and WPC's website are not updating with current data.
Critical system and network monitoring is down
No ETR to full recovery.
See the NCO IT Status Dashboard for the latest updates and more information

Mary Beth Gerhardt

Senior Duty Meteorologist
NOAA/NWS/NCEP Central Operations



On 6/24/2024 5:39 PM, Jared P Bostic wrote:

Oy, you're right. Our downloader got 18z NAM output from ftpprd shortly after 21z, so this was within the past hour and a half or so.


On Mon, 24 Jun 2024, Ryan Hickman wrote:

Considering FTPPRD is down too I’d say NCEP is having issues.

- Ryan

On Jun 24, 2024, at 4:22 PM, Jared P Bostic <jpbostic@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


We noticed that the CPC website is not responding right now (2024-06-24 22 z).

Anyone have more info?

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Jared P Bostic
OCS/Mesonet Operations

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