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RE: 19990929: Write/Read of 2D pages

Hi Lyn, i just got back from vacation.

> Hello:
> Below is the text of a message I sent about a week ago to
> John Caron, and I
> have yet to receive a reply.  I'm assuming he's busy.  If
> anyone could help
> me, I would really appreciate the advice.
> To put this into context, I asked John several months ago
> about the very
> slow performance of our I/O with netCDF.  He replied that it
> shouldn't be
> slow unless we have programmed something dumb.  I can send my original
> query and his reply if you are interested.  He offered to
> reply to future
> queries regarding this problem, and below is my latest posting.
> I have spent some time delving into the netCDF I/O that we
> are doing, and I
> believe I have found some serious time wasters in our code.
> I will show
> you below what I mean.  Anyway, I am somewhat stuck on retrieving
> information from a netCDF file, and I am hoping you might
> point me in the
> right direction.
> The poor performance in our program, as I mentioned earlier,
> is do to the
> use of nested loops to write/read multidimensional data.  I
> have been going
> through the code and replacing this logic with equivalent
> MultiArray calls
> to write the data in one pass.  For example, the original
> code to write a
> 3-dimensional array looked like this:
> private void saveTripleArrayDoubleData(NetcdfFile cdfFile,
> String dataName,
> double[][][] data)     {
>     try {
>         Variable storage = cdfFile.get(dataName);
>         if (storage == null) throw new IOException();
>         int[] numberIndex = new int[3];
>         int totalX = data.length;
>         int totalY = data[0].length;
>         int totalZ = data[0][0].length;
>         for (int x = 0; x < totalX; x++) {
>             numberIndex[0] = x;
>             for (int y = 0; y < totalY; y++) {
>                 numberIndex[1] = y;
>                 for (int z = 0; z < totalZ; z++) {
>                     numberIndex[2] = z;
>                     storage.setDouble(numberIndex, data[x][y][z]);
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     } catch( exception) {}
>     catch(java.lang.NullPointerException exception) {}
> }
> As you can see in this method, each element of the 3D array is set
> individually, which as you can imagine, takes forever, because this
> operation can't be buffered.  The original code used similar
> logic to read
> data back in, using nested loops and the getDouble() element accessor.
> I have replaced this code with the following method:
> private void saveTripleArrayDoubleData(NetcdfFile cdfFile,
> String dataName,
> double[][][] data) {
>     try {
>         Variable storage = cdfFile.get(dataName);
>         if (storage == null) throw new IOException();
>         // use multiarray to write data all at once, rather
> than one at a time
>         MultiArray dataMa = new ArrayMultiArray(data);
>         int[] origin = {0, 0, 0};
>         storage.copyin(origin, dataMa);
>     } catch( exception) {}
>     catch(java.lang.NullPointerException exception) {}
> }
> I have tested this code and it works great.  The problem I'm
> having now is
> with accessing the data I've written.

this looks good to me

> I'm not a seasoned veteran using Java, so please bear with
> me.  To read
> back the MultiArray data, the method copyout() is used.  There are two
> parameters, the origin and shape, both int arrays.  I think I
> understand
> what both of these are doing, the first passing where to
> start reading, and
> the second the actual dimensions of the MultiArray.  So far,
> no problem.
> My problem involves converting the returned MultiArray into
> something I can
> use in my program.  When we write the 3D array, what we are doing is
> writing "pages" of 2D arrays, and when we want to read in the
> data, we only
> want to access a single page.  The first dimension controls
> which page.  In
> the example code you have on the web site, the temperature
> array (double
> T(time, lat, lon)), is similar in structure to what we're
> doing, in that
> each time is a page, and we want to access a particular time
> and read back
> in the 2D array corresponding the (lat, lon) temperatures.
> Right now, I'm
> setting the first value in the origin array to the particular
> page I want
> to retrieve (which matches the organization in the schema).  I haven't
> tested this yet to make sure it is doing what I want.

so you set  origin = {pageno, 0, 0)
                shape =  {1, nx, ny}

and you get a 2D MultiArray of dimension nx by ny.
At this point, the data is memory resident, and you could access the
data using
which would be my recommendation, since it avoids further data copying.

However if you need to pass a double array to some other routine, you
can use toArray() to get a Java array, but it is a 1D, not 2D array. I
think in fact that it should construct the 2D array, but currently it

So you would unfortunately have to transfer this into a 2D array
yourself, in which case you might as well loop over the
data.getDouble(index) call rather than use toArray().

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