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Re: 20020607: Java netCDF read error

Normally you should show what the error message is.

I assume you have a class cast exception on

Iterator gi = nc.getGlobalAttributeIterator();
while( gi.hasNext() ) {
  Variable v = (Variable);

The docs say:
public java.util.Iterator getGlobalAttributeIterator()
  Returns the set of attributes associated with this file, also know as the
"global" attributes. CHANGE TO GENERIC

    Iterator objects are type Attribute
So the iterator returns objects of type Attribute, not Variable

> ------- Forwarded Message
> >From: bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Organization: NOAA/NODC
> >Keywords: 200206071844.g57IiHJ14153 netCDF Java
>                                            June 7, 2002
> To Whom It May Concern:
>    The following 4 Java modules successfully read
> data from a "netCDF" file.
>    In attempting to read global data, however, I was
> not successful.  The failure is shown in the commented out
> portion of "" found near the beginning
> of the while loop.
>    Could you please send me code which will work.  Or,
> please contact me somehow.
>                           Robert Van Wie
>                       at "Robert.Van.Wie@xxxxxxxx"
>                       also at "rvanwie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> import ucar.ma2.*;
> import ucar.nc2.*;
> import;
> import java.util.*;
> import java.util.Iterator;
> public class dumpCDF extends aux {
>   public static void main( String args[] ) {
>      if (args.length > 0 ) new dumpCDF( args[0], args[1] );
>        else new dumpCDF( "", "outCDF" );
>   }
>   public dumpCDF( String inFile, String outFile ) {  // constructor
>     int    numDep = 0;
>     byte   ix = 0;
>      short ig = 0;
>     String global = "";
>     String defName = "";
>     String DP = "Depth";
>    try { NetcdfFile nc = new NetcdfFile( inFile );   // readonly
> /*    Iterator gi = nc.getGlobalAttributeIterator();      does not work !
>       while( gi.hasNext() ) {
>         Variable v = (Variable);
>         Array varMa =;
>         global = v.getName();
>         System.out.print( v.getName() + " =" );
>         global = findAttValueIgnoreCase( null, "title", defName );
>         System.out.println( ig + "  global " + global );
>         ig++;
>       }     // end while  */
>       Iterator it = nc.getVariableIterator();
>       while( it.hasNext() ) {
>         Variable v = (Variable);
>         Array varMa =;
>         var = v.getName();
>         varCode = getParmCode();        // numeric identifier of variable
>         if ( varCode > -1 ) {
>           array = ArrayToString( varMa );
>           if ( varCode == 0 ) {                       // depth/press
>             numDep = store( array, varCode );         // store variable in
>             alignDepth( numDep );
>             if ( var.indexOf( "press" ) > -1 ) DP = "Press";
>             ix++;
>           } else store( array, varCode );             // store variable in
>           if ( varCode == 2 ) {                       // salinity
>             alignSal( numDep );                       // align salinity
>             for ( int l=0; l < numDep; l++ )
>               Writer(
GAP9+depVal[0][l]+GAP8+depVal[1][l]+GAP7+depVal[2][l], outFile );
>           }
>         } else {                                     // non-profile
>            if (var.startsWith( "woce_date") ) WOCEdate=ArrayToString(
varMa );
>            if ( var.startsWith( "woce_time" ) ) {    // process woce_time
>              woce_time = ArrayToString( varMa );
>              if ( woce_time.length() < 6 ) WOCEtime = "0" + woce_time;
>                else WOCEtime = woce_time;
>              myTime = parse( WOCEtime );            // change format of
>              myDate = parse( WOCEdate );            // change format of
>              Writer( "\n    Date & Time: " + myDate + "  " + myTime ,
outFile );
>            }
>            if ( var.startsWith( "longitude" ) ) {
>              ix++;
>              longitude = ArrayToString( varMa );
>              Writer( "\n    Position: Latitude  " + latitude + ";
Longitude  " + longitude, outFile );
>            }
>            else if ( var.startsWith( "latitude" ) ) latitude
ArrayToString( varMa );
>         }
>         if ( ix > 1 ) {
>           Writer( "\n           " + DP + "    Temperature   Salinity",
outFile );
>           ix = 0;
>         }
>       }     // end while
>     } catch ( e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
>   }         // end dumpCDF constructor
>   public String ArrayToString( Array ma ) {
>      StringBuffer buf
>        new StringBuffer( toArray( ma, new IndentLevel() ));
>      return buf.toString();
>   }          // end ArrayToString
>   private String toArray( Array ma, IndentLevel ilev ) {
>     final int rank = ma.getRank();
>     Index ima = ma.getIndex();
>     if ( rank == 0 ) return ma.getObject(ima).toString();
>     StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
>     ilev.incr();
>     final int [] dims = ma.getShape();
>     final int    last = dims[0];
>     for ( int ii=0; ii < last; ii++ ) {
>        Array slice = ma.slice( 0, ii );
>        buf.append( toArray( slice, ilev ) );
>        if ( varCode == 0 )
>          if ( ii != last-1 ) buf.append( " " );
>     }
>     ilev.decr();
>     if ( rank > 1 ) buf.append( "\n" + ilev.getIndent() );
>     return buf.toString();
>   }                // end toArray
> }                                            // end class dumpCDF
> import ucar.ma2.*;
> import ucar.nc2.*;
> import*;
> import;
> import java.util.*;
> public class OrigAux {
>   final static String GAP7 = "       ", GAP8 = "        ", GAP9 = "
>   final static String BLANKS = "      ";
>   byte    varCode = -2;            // numeric identifier of data column
>    int    maxTempL = 0;            // string length of highest temperature
>   String  WOCEdate, WOCEtime, woce_time, depVal[][] = new String[3][9000];
>   String  var, array, myDate, myTime, latitude, longitude, park;
>   IndentLevel il;                  // id of "IndentLevel" class
>   protected void alignDepth( int numDp ) {
>                                             // align depth column
>     int lenDiff, ln, len;
>     len = depVal[0][numDp-1].length();       // string length of max depth
>     for ( int n=0; n < numDp-1; n++ ) {
>        park = depVal[0][n];
>        ln = park.length();
>        lenDiff = len - ln;
>        if ( lenDiff > 0 ) depVal[0][n] = BLANKS.substring( 0, lenDiff ) +
>     }
>     maxTempL = 0;
>   }                   // end alignDepth
>   protected void alignSal( int numDp ) {
>                                             // align salinity column
>       int lenDiff, ln;
>    String sal = "";
>      for( int n=0; n < numDp; n++ ) {
>        park = depVal[1][n];
>        ln = park.length();
>        lenDiff = maxTempL - ln;
>        if ( lenDiff > 0 ) {
>          sal = depVal[2][n];
>          depVal[2][n] = BLANKS.substring( 0, lenDiff ) + sal;
>        }
>      }        // for loop
>   }           // end alignSal
>   protected void Writer( String text, String outfle ) {    // write single
>     try {
>       Writer w = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outfle, true ));
>       w.write( text + "\n" );
>       w.close();
>     }                                 // try
>     catch (IOException e ) { System.err.println(outfle+" Output file
error..."); }
>     catch ( Exception e ) { System.err.println("Input error..Exception in
method Writer"); }
>   }                           // end Writer
> }      // end class
> import ucar.ma2.*;
> import ucar.nc2.*;
> import;
> import java.util.*;
> public class aux extends OrigAux {
>   protected int store( String array, byte i ) {
>      int l = 0;                                      // store in "depVal"
>      int ln = 0;
>      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(array);
>      while ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
>        depVal[i][l] = st.nextToken().trim();
>        if ( i == 1 ) {
>          ln =  depVal[1][l].length();               // length of
temperature string
>          if ( ln > maxTempL ) maxTempL = ln;        // max temp length
>        }
>        l++;                                         // depth level counter
>      }
>      return l;
>   }         // end store
>   protected byte getParmCode( ) {                     // depth/press:    0
>      byte parmCode = -1;                              // temperature:    1
>                                                       // salinity   :    2
>      if (var.startsWith("press") ) parmCode = 0;
>        else if (var.startsWith("dep") ) parmCode = 0;
>          else if (var.startsWith("temp") ) parmCode = 1;
>            else if (var.startsWith("sal") ) parmCode = 2;
>      return parmCode;
>   }
>   protected String parse( String primative ) {
>                                        // reformat date & time fields
>      String part[] = new String[3];
>      String sep = "/";               // date field seperator
>        byte n = 0, end = 4;          // length of year field
>     if ( primative.length() == 6 ) {    // length of time field
>        sep = ":";                       // time field seperator
>        end = 2;                         // length of hour field
>     }
>        String whole = "";               // will hold reformatted string
>        for ( byte i=0; i < 3; i++ ) {
>           part[i] = primative.substring( n, end );  // individual field
>           n = end;
>           end += 2;
>           whole += part[i];
>           if ( i < 2 ) whole += sep;
>        }
>        return whole;                   // return reformatted string
>   }                       // end method parse
> }      // end class
> import ucar.ma2.*;
> import ucar.nc2.*;
> import;
> import java.util.*;
> public class IndentLevel {
>     private int indentation, level = 0;
>     private StringBuffer indent, blanks;
>     IndentLevel() { this(4); }     // end constructor
>     IndentLevel( int indentation) {
>       if (indentation > 0) this.indentation = indentation;
>       indent = new StringBuffer();
>       blanks = new StringBuffer();
>       for( int i=0; i < indentation; i++ )
>          blanks.append(" ");
>     }                                   // end constructor
>     public void incr() {
>         level += indentation;
>         indent.append( blanks );
>     }
>     public void decr() {
>         level -= indentation;
>         indent.setLength( level );
>     }
>     public String getIndent() {
>         return indent.toString();
>     }
>   }           // end class IndentLevel
> ------- End of Forwarded Message

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