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Joe McLean wrote:

John Caron wrote:

Joe McLean wrote:

> Hi John,
> Thanks for looking.
> I have been messing with the catalog since I sent the email.
> I received this error (in dodsC/logs/CatalogServlet.log) using your
> example structure of the catalog, so I added a 'Top-level' dataset.
> ---------------------
> [...]
> file:/usr/local/www/html/TOMCAT_DEMO/las/las_servlet/jakarta/webapps/dodsC/WEB-INF/dodsAS/AggServTestCatalog.xml:
> The content of element type "catalog" must match "(dataset)".
> [...]

not sure where that error is coming from. send me more context if you want.

[...] A catalog element contains exactly one top-level dataset. [...]

The example you gave me had the structure:

Since the catalog did not have exactly one dataset element, I changed the structure to:

sorry, looks like i just cut and pasted incorrectly

> ---------------------
> I tried with the absolute paths in the stdmet service element both
> with 1 slash and with 3.  The catalog is visible, but the links to
> OPeNDAP products return the error string:
> Error { code = -1; message = "HTTPClient/ModuleException"; };
if the dods url is in the NcML, use dods: instead of http:

This worked, thanks, I was able to access the aggregated dataset with Ferret.

the Data Request Form link again appears as

when we need

when i do it from here, i get:

I used the full path and three slashes in the stdmet service base attribute, file:///. I have cleared browser caches and stop/started the server again. No change. This may be TOMCAT and not the Agg Catalog.

what version tomcat? might need upgrading?

BTW, there is some info at

that i havent documented, but might be useful anyway

Thanks for your help. I will begin larger aggregations and add lon/lat axes tomorrow. How would I add a global attribute?

<netcdf ...>
 <nc:attribute name="scale" type="double" value="1.2"/>

NcML tutorial at

also see main page

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