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Re: Java/NetCDF/Matlab

Charles R Denham wrote:

Hi John --
     Matlab talks to Java these days, so I am writing a Matlab package,
tentatively entitled the "JetCDF Toolbox", using your "ucar.nc2" package.
There is much yet to learn, but presently I can read existing netCDF files
with straight-forward Matlab syntax, just as we already do with my "NetCDF
Toolbox for Matlab."  To bring your stuff to life, I had only to add the
jar-file paths to the "classpath.txt" file in Matlab.
     I am having no luck defining entities in a new netCDF file, probably
due to my misunderstanding about the exact syntax.  With "addDimension()",
for example, Java makes no complaint, but the dimension never actually gets
to the file, even after calling "create()" and "close()".  With
"addVariable()", I get a Java syntax warning, even though I can create
String, int, and Dimension[] objects (seemingly) as arguments in Matlab.
     I visited Russ last week; he and Jeff were very helpful in explaining
some relevant Java issues.  I am wondering if I might come visit with you
as well in the near future.  When would be a good time?  (I am staying for
awhile with friends west of Golden, so the trip to Boulder is not very long
or difficult.)
           -- Chuck
hi chuck:

im unclear how matlab interacts with the java library. i assume it is interactive? do you type in java language? does it compile and run on the fly?

have you have seen the  example on page 7 of the user manual:


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