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Re: NCML aggregation and variableAgg

Hi Jon:

How do you distinguish between variables that should be aggregated and those that shouldnt? for example, often adding a time dimension to the coordinate variables screws things up for some software.

jdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi all,

I'm creating aggregations of NetCDF files by aggregating on a new time
dimension, whose values come from the names of the files.  My .ncml file looks
like this:

<netcdf xmlns="";>
 <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinNew">
   <variableAgg name="ICEC"/>
   <variableAgg name="ICETK"/>
   <variableAgg name="M"/>
   <variableAgg name="...etc"/>
   <scan location="C:/data/FOAM_one/" suffix=".nc"
dateFormatMark="FOAM_#yyyyMMdd.HH" />

It's a bit tedious to have to specify explicitly all the variables I want to
aggregate.  I want to aggregate all variables so I would like to be able to

<netcdf xmlns="";>
 <aggregation dimName="time" type="joinNew">
   <variableAgg name="*"/>
   <scan location="C:/data/FOAM_one/" suffix=".nc"
dateFormatMark="FOAM_#yyyyMMdd.HH" />

or something like that.  Is this possible?  If I try that, no variables get
aggregated (when I open a GridDataset, there is no time dimension).

Thanks in advance,

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