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[IDV #FOS-898337]: IDV - netcdf CF1.0 - vertical grid system

Hi Guido-

> > - How can I display observed vertical profiles (e.g. wind & temp 
> > radiosoundings).
> > Should I follow the UnidataObsConvention  in order to write a netCDF file? 
> > Which one?
> >
> > Many thanks in advance for your attention!
> >
> >
> My colleague Don Murray would be best suited to answer this question but he 
> is out of town right
> now. When he gets back next week he will respond.

If you have the lat/lon/alt of each point, you could use the Trajectory
format and read the data in as a Track file.

BTW, your last message came through empty.

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: FOS-898337
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Critical
Status: Open

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