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[netcdf-java] Renaming CoordinateAxis

Hi All,

I¹m working with gridded datasets (for now) and am interested in ³renaming²
the coordinate axes for certain datasets.  For example ­ a particular
dataset has a ³latitude² coordinate axis called ³yu_ocean² and a ³longitude²
axis called ³xu_ocean².  Is there a way to rename these axes to ³lat² and
³lon² without completely rebuilding the nc file?
I¹m currently using:
FileWriter.writeVariables(List<Variable>); FileWriter.finish();

To write the file and would like to do the ³rename² prior to these calls ­
when I am building the List<Variable> to pass to

Is this possible?


Christopher Mueller | Scientist
Applied Science Associates
70 Dean Knauss Drive | Narragansett, RI 02882 USA
p: +1 401-789-6224 | f: +1 401-789-1932
e: cmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions

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- Albert Einstein

Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right. -
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