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Re: [netcdf-java] Combining NcFiles

Compiling the NCO operators on a Windows machine with Cygwin will work. The resulting executables can process any LOCAL file. See:

Christopher Mueller wrote:
Hi Kyle,

Thanks for the reply - Ideally, I am looking for a programmatic method for
concatenating the files by record.  That said, it looks as though ncrcat
would work well for me if called from programmatically (which is possible).
My problem now is my lack of "technical know-how"...  I program on a Mac,
and the application is designed to run on a windows machine.  Bottom line -
my ignorance with make files, building from source, etc is preventing me
from using the utility because I don't know how to get it to build on either
platform (Mac for testing, windows for use)!!  I did see a couple of "ports"
were listed for the Mac OS - but I didn't see any for Windows (and couldn't
turn any up with a quick Google search).

Does anyone out there happen to have a built ncrcat.exe that they could send
me??  I can live without the Mac build (just for debugging anyhow), but the
Windows build is crucial.

Thanks in advance,


 Kyle Wilcox
 NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
 410 Severn Avenue
 Suite 107A
 Annapolis, MD 21403
 office: (410) 295-3151

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