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Re: [netcdf-java] compound attributes in NetCDF4 w/ NetCDF-java

Hi Tom,

I'm going to leave the netCDF-4 compound type specific questions for
John Caron who wrote that part of netCDF-Java (he should be back in the
office on Tuesday).

As for a CDM compliant station file, are you following the CF proposed
specification for station data:


Ah, just noticed your "cdm_datatype" global attribute, so it looks like
you are following the older (now deprecated) Unidata Obs Dataset Convention:


The netCDF-Java library should understand station datasets written to
either convention. However, both conventions are written to the netCDF
classic data model rather than the enhanced (netCDF-4) data model. So,
though it may recognize it as a station dataset, I'm not sure (even once
the bug you are seeing is fixed) whether it will really know how to deal
with the data as station data.

Have you considered using the netCDF-4 classic model format? It has many
of the advantages of netCDF-4 (e.g., compression and chunking) without
breaking backward compatibility with programs written to the netCDF-3
API (though they do need to be re-linked to the netCDF-4 library). Also,
at this point many netCDF-4 aware programs don't have general support
for parts of the enhanced data model (e.g., user defined types).
Sticking to the classic model avoids this problem as well. It also has
the advantage of working with conventions that are written to the
classic model (all current conventions I'm aware of).

There is more information on this in the netCDF FAQ section on the
various formats, data models, and version:


There is also more detail on the advantages of the netCDF-4 classic
model format here:


Hope that helps,


On 2/8/2010 11:33 AM, Tom Kunicki wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem parsing a NetCDF4 file in NetCDF-java.
> I've using NetCDF 4.1 (C library with Java JNI bindings) in an attempt to 
> produce a CDM compliant Station file in NetCDF4 format.  I want to put each 
> stations observation in a compound field.  The file generates and parses 
> using the ncgen and ncdump but I can't open it in NetCDF-Java 4.1.  I looks 
> like there's trouble reading char[] or string fields in the compound 
> attribute type.  The following stack trace is produced on read:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>         at ucar.ma2.ArrayStructure.extractMemberArray(
>         at ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.H5header.makeAttributes(
>         at ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.H5header.makeVariable(
>         at ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.H5header.makeNetcdfGroup(
>         at
>         at
>         at ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.<init>(
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at edu.unidata.ucar.jni.NetCDFTest.main(
> DIgging through the source it looks like 
> ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.H5header.getNCtype(int hdfType, int size) is returning 
> null for a char[] compound field type when trying to map the attributes to 
> the compound fields.
> With this be supported in the future?  Is there another way to assign 
> attributes to compound type fields?
> Here's the CDL I am trying to use (the observation dim will eventually be 
> netcdf gsod {
> types:
>   compound observation_type {
>     int time ;
>     float tempMean ;
>     float tempMin ;
>     float tempMax ;
>   }; // observation_type
>   compound observation_atts {
>     char time(32) ;
>     char tempMean(32) ;
>     char tempMin(32) ;
>     char tempMax(32) ;
>   }; // observation_atts
> dimensions:
>       station = 2 ;
>       observation = 3 ;
> variables:
>       int station_id(station) ;
>       float station_description(station) ;
>       float latitude(station) ;
>               latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
>       float longitude(station) ;
>               longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
>       float altitude(station) ;
>               altitude:units = "feet" ;
>               altitude:positive = "up" ;
>       observation_type station_observations(station, observation) ;
>               observation_atts station_observations:units = {{"days since 
> 1930-01-01 00 UTC"}, {"degF"}, {"degF"}, {"degF"}} ;
> // global attributes:
>               :cdm_datatype = "Stations" ;
>               :stationDimension = "station" ;
>               :observationDimension = "observation" ;
>               :latitude_coordinate = "latitude" ;
>               :longitude_coordinate = "longitude" ;
>               :zaxis_coordinate = "altitude" ;
>               :time_coordinate = "station_observations.time" ;
> data:
>  station_id = _, _ ;
>  station_description = _, _ ;
>  latitude = _, _ ;
>  longitude = _, _ ;
>  altitude = _, _ ;
>  station_observations =
>   {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
>   {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} ;
> }
> Thanks,
> Tom Kunicki
> Center for Integrated Data Analytics
> U.S. Geological Survey
> 8505 Research Way
> Middleton, WI  53562

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