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Re: [netcdf-java] ncWMS and ellipsoid-support in CF-1.2

Hi Martin:

Thanks for reminding me of geotools. I have it on my (long) list of 
possibilities. I have looked at it in the past, but it was difficult to see 
what dependencies were actually needed (thanks for the summary). The other 
advantages you mention are also alluring.

We would have to write an adapter from our Projection interface to whatever API geotools uses. Also translate CF parameter conventions for each projection. Its possible we could keep it as an optional jar, for those concerned about size.
If there's anyone who would be interested in such a project, let me know, it 
could be a very nice addition.


Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
Hello Jon

Le 24/03/10 17:46, John Caron a écrit :
Yes, correct. We are slowly adding ellipsoid support, but only after we
have a sample dataset that uses them. We are porting code from proj4,
its rather time-consuming to get it right.
if you have sample data where the ellipsoidal earth matters, send it
along, we'll get to it when we can. or, if you have resources and
expertise to port the proj4j code, i could send that to you and get you

An alternative (while I admit that it has drawback) could be to use the geotoolkit project (LGPL). It is a 2 Mb dependency, which I admit is rather big. But for this price you get ellipsoidal projections (also a port of Proj4), datum shifts (including NADCON grids used in USA), support for N-dimensional CRS, "Well Known Text" parsing and formatting, capability to create a CRS from an "authority code" (especially from the EPSG database, but also OGC URN), support for ISO 19115-2 metadata ("imagery metadata") including XML parsing and formatting, and more.

List of supported projections is there: Since the project is splitted in modules, it is not required to use the whole library. The only dependencies are Java 6, vecmath, GeoAPI interfaces and the legacy JSR-275 (I may provide some way to allow users to replace this dependency by the ucar.units package in the near future).

Just to let people known...



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