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[netcdf-java] grib-8.0.jar

Hello John

When trying to serve up some grib JMA Surfa data on our recently
deployed TDS v4.1 server I noticed that several of the variables were
not showing up properly with the OPENDAP and netCDF subsetting access

After a grib dump and view of the JMA dataset, I discovered that all of
the missing variables were existing and defined properly within their data.

After a little snooping around I took a look at the grib-8.0.jar and
discovered that the missing variables needed to be added to the resource

After adding the following line items into the table, everything
rendered properly in all access methods for the JMA grib dataset.

17:DPT:Dew point temperature [K]
57:EVP:Evaporation [kg m-2]
58:CICE:Cloud Ice [kg m-2]
78:SNOC:Convective snow [kg m-2]
79:SNOL:Large scale snow [kg m-2]
81:LAND:Land cover (land=1;sea=0) [fraction]
84:ALBDO:Albedo [%]
111:NSWRS:Net short wave radiation surface [W m-2]
112:NLWRS:Net long wave radiation surface [W m-2]
115:LWAVR:Long wave radiation [W m-2]
116:SWAVR:Short wave radiation [W m-2]

Can somebody add these line items to the grib-8.0.jar for a future
version of netCDF4.x? I would also like to know if this is the correct
avenue to request these changes, we would also like to add new tables
for other grib datasets in the near future.

A few questions though, the very first variable in the existing table,
1:PRES:Surface pressure [Pa],  wouldn't render properly until I placed
the line item /0:var0:undefined/ before it, why is this? The other is
the grib model data from other agencies have a number sequence prior to
the 0:var0:undefined line item. i.e. has -1:7:-1:2, has -1:0:0:3. Should my updated have an
unique number sequence as the first line item, do you know what it
refers to? Also how does TDS know which version of the multiple resource
tables to use? There seems to be several for each agencies datasets.

I've attached our updated which I tested and deployed
within our NCDC-RSAD TDS v4.1 server environment, also I've attached the and resource tables that have that those
unique number sequences as the first line items as described above. If
you need to look at the actually datasets here's a link to our SURFA


Bill Hankins

Oh, it was nice meeting you earlier this month on your trip to Asheville.

Bill Hankins
Software Developer, STG, Inc., Government Contractor
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
National Climatic Data Center - NESDIS - NOAA 
151 Patton Ave. Rm 445
Asheville, NC 28801-5001

1:PRES:Surface pressure [Pa]
2:PRMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
4:PVORT:Potential vorticity [K m2 kg-1 s-1]
7:HGT:Geopotential height [gpm]
8:DIST:Geometric height [m]
11:TMP:Temperature [K]
13:POT:Potential temperature [K]
15:TMAX:Maximum temperature [K]
16:TMIN:Minimum temperature [K]
17:DPT:Dew point temperature [K]
18:DEPR:Dewpoint depression (or deficit) [K]
33:UGRD:u-component of wind [m s-1]
34:VGRD:v-component of wind [m s-1]
35:STRM:Stream function [m2 s-1]
36:VPOT:Velocity potential [m2 s-1]
37:MNTSF:Montgomery stream function [m2 s-2]
39:VVEL:Vertical velocity [Pa s-1]
43:RELV:Relative vorticity [s-1]
44:RELD:Relative divergence [s-1]
51:SPFH:Specific humidity [kg kg-1]
52:RH:Relative humidity [%]
54:PWAT:Precipitable water [kg m-2]
57:EVP:Evaporation [kg m-2]
58:CICE:Cloud Ice [kg m-2]
61:TPRAT:6-hourly total precipitation rate [mm day-1]
62:NCPCP:Large scale precipitation [kg m-2]
63:ACPCP:Convective precipitation [kg m-2]
64:SRWEQ:Snowfall rate water equivalent [kg m-2 s-1]
65:SNWE:Water equivalent snow depth [m]
66:SNOWD:Snow depth [m]
71:TCDC:Total cloud cover [%]
73:LCDC:Low cloud cover [%]
74:MCDC:Medium cloud cover [%]
75:HCDC:High cloud cover [%]
76:CWAT:Cloud water [kg m-2]
78:SNOC:Convective snow [kg m-2]
79:SNOL:Large scale snow [kg m-2]
80:WTMP:SST and sea ice temperature (or temperature anomaly) [K]
81:LAND:Land cover (land=1;sea=0) [fraction]
83:SFCR:Surface roughness [m]
84:ALBDO:Albedo [%]
85:SOILT:Soil temperature [K]
86:SOILW:Soil wetness or water content [fraction or mm]
90:ROF:Surface runoff [mm day-1]
91:ICEC:Ice cover [fraction]
111:NSWRS:Net short wave radiation surface [W m-2]
112:NLWRS:Net long wave radiation surface [W m-2]
115:LWAVR:Long wave radiation [W m-2]
116:SWAVR:Short wave radiation [W m-2]
118:PRESM:Mean surface pressure [Pa]
121:LHTFL:Latent heat flux [W m-2]
122:SHTFL:Sensible heat flux [W m-2]
124:UFLX:Momentum flux, u-component [N m-2]
125:VFLX:Momentum flux, v-component [N m-2]
132:BVF2:Square of Brunt Vaisala frequency [1 s-2]
136:UGRDM:Surface 10m zonal wind [m s-1]
137:VGRDM:Surface 10m meridional wind [m s-1]
138:TMPM:Surface 2m air temperature [K]
139:SPFHM:Surface specific humidity [kg kg-1]
144:TSC:Canopy temperature [K]
145:TSG:Ground temperature [K]
146:CWORK:Cloud work function [J kg-1]
147:FGLU:U surface momentum flux by long gravity wave [N m-2]
148:FGLV:V surface momentum flux by long gravity wave [N m-2]
151:ADVUA:Advective zonal acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
152:VWV:Column total of meridional water vapor flux [kg m-1 s-1]
154:FGSV:V surface momentum flux by short gravity wave [N m-2]
155:GFLX:Ground heat flux [W m-2]
157:UWV:Column total of zonal water vapor flux [kg m-1 s-1]
159:FGSU:U surface momentum flux by short gravity wave [N m-2]
160:CSUSF:Clear sky upward solar flux [W m-2]
161:CSDSF:Clear sky downward solar flux [W m-2]
162:CSULF:Clear sky upward long wave flux [W m-2]
163:CSDLF:Clear sky downward long wave flux [W m-2]
165:ADVV:Advective meridional acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
168:FRQP:Frequency of precipitation [%]
169:FRQC:Frequency of cumulus precipitation [%]
173:GWDUA:Gravity wave zonal acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
174:GWDVA:Gravity wave meridional acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
175:HGT:Mean geopotential height [m]
176:UGRDM:Mean zonal wind [m s-1]
177:VGRDM:Mean meridional wind [m s-1]
178:VVELM:Mean pressure vertical velocity [Pa s-1]
179:TMPM:Mean temperature [K]
180:SPFHM:Mean specific humidity [kg kg-1]
200:VTU:Column total of TU [(K*Pa*m) s-1]
201:VTV:Column total of TV [(K*Pa*m) s-1]
202:LTRS:Evapotranspiration [W m-2]
203:LINT:Interception loss [W m-2]
204:DSWRF:Downward short wave radiation flux [W m-2]
205:DLWRF:Downward long wave radiation flux [W m-2]
211:USWRF:Upward short wave radiation flux [W m-2]
212:ULWRF:Upward long wave radiation flux [W m-2]
218:TTHM:Column total of diabatic heat [W m-2]
219:WSMX:Maximum wind speed [m s-1]
220:PRMX:Maximum hourly precipitation [mm hr-1]
222:ADVHR:Advective heating rate [K day-1]
223:MSC:Canopy water content [mm]
224:MSG:Ground water content [mm]
230:MFLXB:Upward mass flux at cloud base [kg m-2 s-1]
231:MFLUX:Upward mass flux [kg m-2 s-1]
236:ADVMR:Advective moistening rate [kg kg-1 day-1]
237:OZONE:Ozone mass mixing ratio [ppm]
239:CNVUA:Convective zonal acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
240:CNVVA:Convective meridional acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
241:LRGHR:Large scale condensation heating rate [K day-1]
242:CNVHR:Convective heating rate [K day-1]
243:CNVMR:Convective moistening rate [kg kg-1 day-1]
246:VDFHR:Vertical diffusion heating rate [K day-1]
247:VDFUA:Vertical diffusion zonal acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
248:VDFVA:Vertical diffusion meridional acceleration [m s-1 day-1]
249:VDFMR:Vertical diffusion moistening rate [kg kg-1 day-1]
250:SWHR:Solar radiative heating rate [K day-1]
251:LWHR:Longwave radiative heating rate [K day-1]
253:LRGMR:Large scale moistening heating rate [kg kg-1 day-1]
1:PRES:Pressure [Pa]
2:PRMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
3:PTEND:Pressure tendency [Pa/s]
4:PVORT:Pot vorticity [km^2/kg/s]
5:ICAHT:ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height [M]
6:GP:Geopotential [m^2/s^2]
7:HGT:Geopotential height [gpm]
8:DIST:Geometric height [m]
9:HSTDV:Std dev of height [m]
10:TOZNE:Total ozone [Dobson]
11:TMP:Temperature [K]
12:VTMP:Virtual temperature [K]
13:POT:Potential temperature [K]
14:EPOT:Pseudo-adiabatic pot temperature [K]
15:TMAX:Max temperature [K]
16:TMIN:Min temperature [K]
17:DPT:Dew point temperature [K]
18:DEPR:Dew point depression [K]
19:LAPR:Lapse rate [K/m]
20:VIS:Visibility [m]
21:RDSP1:Radar spectra 1 [non-dim]
22:RDSP2:Radar spectra 2 [non-dim]
23:RDSP3:Radar spectra 3 [non-dim]
24:PLI:Parcel lifted index to 500 hPa [K]
25:TMPA:Temperature anomaly [K]
26:PRESA:Pressure anomaly [Pa]
27:GPA:Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
28:WVSP1:Wave spectra 1 [non-dim]
29:WVSP2:Wave spectra 2 [non-dim]
30:WVSP3:Wave spectra 3 [non-dim]
31:WDIR:Wind direction [degrees]
32:WIND:Wind speed [m/s]
33:UGRD:u wind [m/s]
34:VGRD:v wind [m/s]
35:STRM:Stream function [m^2/s]
36:VPOT:Velocity potential [m^2/s]
37:MNTSF:Montgomery stream function [m^2/s^2]
38:SGCVV:Sigma coord vertical velocity [/s]
39:VVEL:Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
40:DZDT:Geometric vertical velocity [m/s]
41:ABSV:Absolute vorticity [1/s]
42:ABSD:Absolute divergence [1/s]
43:RELV:Relative vorticity [1/s]
44:RELD:Relative divergence [1/s]
45:VUCSH:Vertical u shear [1/s]
46:VVCSH:Vertical v shear [1/s]
47:DIRC:Direction of current [degrees]
48:SPC:Speed of current [m/s]
49:UOGRD:u of current [m/s]
50:VOGRD:v of current [m/s]
51:SPFH:Specific humidity [kg/kg]
52:RH:Relative humidity [%]
53:MIXR:Humidity mixing ratio [kg/kg]
54:PWAT:Precipitable water [kg/m^2]
55:VAPP:Vapor pressure [Pa]
56:SATD:Saturation deficit [Pa]
57:EVP:Evaporation [kg/m^2]
58:CICE:Cloud Ice [kg/kg]
59:PRATE:Precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s]
60:TSTM:Thunderstorm probability [%]
61:APCP:Total precipitation [kg/m^2]
62:NCPCP:Large scale precipitation [kg/m^2]
63:ACPCP:Convective precipitation [kg/m^2]
64:SRWEQ:Snowfall rate water equiv [kg/m^2/s]
65:WEASD:Accumulated snow [kg/m^2]
66:SNOD:Snow depth [m]
67:MIXHT:Mixed layer depth [m]
68:TTHDP:Transient thermocline depth [m]
69:MTHD:Main thermocline depth [m]
70:MTHA:Main thermocline anomaly [m]
71:TCDC:Total cloud cover [%]
72:CDCON:Convective cloud cover [%]
73:LCDC:Low level cloud cover [%]
74:MCDC:Mid level cloud cover [%]
75:HCDC:High level cloud cover [%]
76:CWAT:Cloud water [kg/kg]
77:BLI:Best lifted index to 500 hPa [K]
78:SNOC:Convective snow [kg/m^2]
79:SNOL:Large scale snow [kg/m^2]
80:WTMP:Water temperature [K]
81:LAND:Land cover land=1;sea=0 []
82:DSLM:Deviation of sea level from mean [m]
83:SFCR:Surface roughness [m]
84:ALBDO:Albedo [%]
85:TSOIL:Soil temperature [K]
86:SOILM:Soil moisture content [kg/m^2]
87:VEG:Vegetation [%]
88:SALTY:Salinity [kg/kg]
89:DEN:Density [kg/m^3]
90:WATR:Water runoff [kg/m^2]
91:ICEC:Ice concentration ice=1;no ice=0 [fraction]
92:ICETK:Ice thickness [m]
93:DICED:Direction of ice drift [degrees]
94:SICED:Speed of ice drift [m/s]
95:UICE:u of ice drift [m/s]
96:VICE:v of ice drift [m/s]
97:ICEG:Ice growth rate [m/s]
98:ICED:Ice divergence [/s]
99:SNOM:Snow melt [kg/m^2]
100:HTSGW:Sig height of wind waves and swell [m]
101:WVDIR:Direction of wind waves [degrees]
102:WVHGT:Sig height of wind waves [m]
103:WVPER:Mean period of wind waves [s]
104:SWDIR:Direction of swell waves [degrees]
105:SWELL:Sig height of swell waves [m]
106:SWPER:Mean period of swell waves [s]
107:DIRPW:Primary wave direction [degrees]
108:PERPW:Primary wave mean period [s]
109:DIRSW:Secondary wave direction [degrees]
110:PERSW:Secondary wave mean period [s]
111:NSWRS:Net short wave surface [W/m^2]
112:NLWRS:Net long wave surface [W/m^2]
113:NSWRT:Net short wave top [W/m^2]
114:NLWRT:Net long wave top [W/m^2]
115:LWAVR:Long wave [W/m^2]
116:SWAVR:Short wave [W/m^2]
117:GRAD:Global radiation [W/m^2]
118:BRTMP:Brightness temperature [K]
119:LWRAD:Radiance with respect to wave no [W/m/sr]
120:SWRAD:Radiance with respect ot wave len [W/m^3/sr]
121:LHTFL:Latent heat flux [W/m^2]
122:SHTFL:Sensible heat flux [W/m^2]
123:BLYDP:Boundary layer dissipation [W/m^2]
124:UFLX:Zonal momentum flux [N/m^2]
125:VFLX:Meridional momentum flux [N/m^2]
126:WMIXE:Wind mixing energy [J]
127:IMGD:Image data []
128:MSLSA:Mean sea level pressure Std Atm [Pa]
129:MSLMA:Mean sea level pressure MAPS [Pa]
130:MSLET:Mean sea level pressure ETA model [Pa]
131:LFTX:Surface lifted index [K]
132:4LFTX:Best 4-layer lifted index [K]
133:KX:K index [K]
134:SX:Sweat index [K]
135:MCONV:Horizontal moisture divergence [kg/kg/s]
136:VWSH:Vertical speed shear [1/s]
137:TSLSA:3-hr pressure tendency Std Atmos Red [Pa/s]
138:BVF2:Brunt-Vaisala frequency^2 [1/s^2]
139:PVMW:Potential vorticity mass-weighted [1/s/m]
140:CRAIN:Categorical rain [yes=1;no=0]
141:CFRZR:Categorical freezing rain [yes=1;no=0]
142:CICEP:Categorical ice pellets [yes=1;no=0]
143:CSNOW:Categorical snow [yes=1;no=0]
144:SOILW:Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
145:PEVPR:Potential evaporation rate [W/m^2]
146:CWORK:Cloud work function [J/kg]
147:U-GWD:Zonal gravity wave stress [N/m^2]
148:V-GWD:Meridional gravity wave stress [N/m^2]
149:PV:Potential vorticity [m^2/s/kg]
150:COVMZ:Covariance between u and v [m^2/s^2]
151:COVTZ:Covariance between u and T [K*m/s]
152:COVTM:Covariance between v and T [K*m/s]
153:CLWMR:Cloud water [kg/kg]
154:O3MR:Ozone mixing ratio [kg/kg]
155:GFLUX:Ground heat flux [W/m^2]
156:CIN:Convective inhibition [J/kg]
157:CAPE:Convective Avail Pot Energy [J/kg]
158:TKE:Turbulent kinetic energy [J/kg]
159:CONDP:Lifted parcel condensation pressure [Pa]
160:CSUSF:Clear sky upward solar flux [W/m^2]
161:CSDSF:Clear sky downward solar flux [W/m^2]
162:CSULF:Clear sky upward long wave flux [W/m^2]
163:CSDLF:Clear sky downward long wave flux [W/m^2]
164:CFNSF:Cloud forcing net solar flux [W/m^2]
165:CFNLF:Cloud forcing net long wave flux [W/m^2]
166:VBDSF:Visible beam downward solar flux [W/m^2]
167:VDDSF:Visible diffuse downward solar flux [W/m^2]
168:NBDSF:Near IR beam downward solar flux [W/m^2]
169:NDDSF:Near IR diffuse downward solar flux [W/m^2]
170:RWMR:Rain water mixing ratio [kg/kg]
171:SNMR:Snow mixing ratio [kg/kg]
172:MFLX:Momentum flux [N/m^2]
173:LMH:Mass point model surface [non-dim]
174:LMV:Velocity point model surface [non-dim]
175:MLYNO:Model layer number from bottom up [non-dim]
176:NLAT:Latitude -90 to +90 [degrees]
177:ELON:East longitude 0-360 [degrees]
178:ICMR:Ice mixing ratio [kg/kg]
179:GRMR:Graupel mixing ratio [kg/kg]
180:GUST:Surface wind gust [m/s]
181:LPSX:x-gradient of log pressure [1/m]
182:LPSY:y-gradient of log pressure [1/m]
183:HGTX:x-gradient of height [m/m]
184:HGTY:y-gradient of height [m/m]
185:TURB:Turbulence SIGMET AIRMET [non-dim]
186:ICNG:Icing SIGMET AIRMET [non-dim]
187:LTNG:Lightning [non-dim]
188:DRIP:Rate of water dropping from canopy to gnd [kg/m^2]
189:VPTMP:Virtual pot temperature [K]
190:HLCY:Storm relative helicity [m^2/s^2]
191:PROB:Prob from ensemble [non-dim]
192:PROBN:Prob from ensemble norm to clim expect [non-dim]
193:POP:Prob of precipitation [%]
194:CPOFP:Prob of frozen precipitation [%]
195:CPOZP:Prob of freezing precipitation [%]
196:USTM:u-component of storm motion [m/s]
197:VSTM:v-component of storm motion [m/s]
198:NCIP:No concen ice particles []
199:EVBS:Direct evaporation from bare soil [W/m^2]
200:EVCW:Canopy water evaporation [W/m^2]
201:ICWAT:Ice-free water surface [%]
202:CWDI:Convective weather detection index []
204:DSWRF:Downward short wave flux [W/m^2]
205:DLWRF:Downward long wave flux [W/m^2]
206:UVI:Ultra violet index 1 hour centered at solar noon [J/m^2]
207:MSTAV:Moisture availability [%]
208:SFEXC:Exchange coefficient [(kg/m^3)(m/s)]
209:MIXLY:No of mixed layers next to surface [integer]
210:TRANS:Transpiration [W/m^2]
211:USWRF:Upward short wave flux [W/m^2]
212:ULWRF:Upward long wave flux [W/m^2]
213:CDLYR:Non-convective cloud [%]
214:CPRAT:Convective precip rate [kg/m^2/s]
215:TTDIA:Temperature tendency by all physics [K/s]
216:TTRAD:Temperature tendency by all radiation [K/s]
217:TTPHY:Temperature tendency by non-radiation physics [K/s]
218:PREIX:Precip index 0-1 [fraction]
219:TSD1D:Std dev of IR T over 1x1 deg area [K]
220:NLGSP:Natural log of surface pressure [ln(kPa)]
221:HPBL:Planetary boundary layer height [m]
222:5WAVH:5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
223:CNWAT:Plant canopy surface water [kg/m^2]
224:SOTYP:Soil type Zobler [0..9]
225:VGTYP:Vegetation type as in SiB [0..13]
226:BMIXL:Blackadars mixing length scale [m]
227:AMIXL:Asymptotic mixing length scale [m]
228:PEVAP:Pot evaporation [kg/m^2]
229:SNOHF:Snow phase-change heat flux [W/m^2]
230:5WAVA:5-wave geopot height anomaly [gpm]
231:MFLUX:Convective cloud mass flux [Pa/s]
232:DTRF:Downward total radiation flux [W/m^2]
233:UTRF:Upward total radiation flux [W/m^2]
234:BGRUN:Baseflow-groundwater runoff [kg/m^2]
235:SSRUN:Storm surface runoff [kg/m^2]
236:SIPD:Supercooled large droplet SLD icing pot diagn []
237:O3TOT:Total ozone [kg/m^2]
238:SNOWC:Snow cover [%]
239:SNOT:Snow temperature [K]
240:COVTW:Covariance T and w [K*m/s]
241:LRGHR:Large scale condensation heating [K/s]
242:CNVHR:Deep convective heating [K/s]
243:CNVMR:Deep convective moistening [kg/kg/s]
244:SHAHR:Shallow convective heating [K/s]
245:SHAMR:Shallow convective moistening [kg/kg/s]
246:VDFHR:Vertical diffusion heating [K/s]
247:VDFUA:Vertical diffusion zonal accel [m/s^2]
248:VDFVA:Vertical diffusion meridional accel [m/s^2]
249:VDFMR:Vertical diffusion moistening [kg/kg/s]
250:SWHR:Solar radiative heating [K/s]
251:LWHR:Longwave radiative heating [K/s]
252:CD:Drag coefficient [non-dim]
253:FRICV:Friction velocity [m/s]
254:RI:Richardson number [non-dim]
1:P:Pressure [Pa]
2:MSL:Mean sea level pressure [Pa]
3:VAR3:Pressure tendency  [Pa s-1]
4:PV:Potential vorticity [K m2 kg-1 s-1]
5:VAR5:ICAO Standard Atmosphere reference height [m]
6:Z:Geopotential [m2 s-2]
7:GH:Geopotential height [gpm]
8:H:Geometrical height [m]
9:VAR9:Standard deviation of height [m]
10:TCO3:Total column ozone [Dobson kg m-2]
11:T:Temperature [K]
12:VAR12:Virtual temperature [K]
13:VAR13:Potential temperature [K]
14:VAR14:Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature [K]
15:VAR15:Maximum temperature [K]
16:VAR16:Minimum temperature [K]
17:VAR17:Dew-point temperature [K]
18:VAR18:Dew-point depression or deficit  [K]
19:VAR19:Lapse rate [K s-1]
20:VAR20:Visibility [m]
21:VAR21:Radar spectra 1  []
22:VAR22:Radar spectra 2  []
23:VAR23:Radar spectra 3  []
24:VAR24:Parcel lifted index to 500 hPa  [K]
25:VAR25:Temperature anomaly [K]
26:VAR26:Pressure anomaly [Pa]
27:VAR27:Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
28:VAR28:Wave spectra 1  []
29:VAR29:Wave spectra 2  []
30:VAR30:Wave spectra 3  []
31:VAR31:Wind direction [Degree true]
32:VAR32:Wind speed [m s-1]
33:U:U-component of wind [m s-1]
34:V:V-component of wind [m s-1]
35:VAR35:Stream Function [m2 s-1]
36:VAR36:Velocity Potential [m2 s-1]
37:VAR37:Montgomery stream Function [m2 s-1]
38:VAR38:Sigma coordinate vertical velocity [s-1]
39:W:Vertical velocity [Pa s-1]
40:VAR40:Vertical velocity [m s-1]
41:VAR41:Absolute vorticity [s-1]
42:VAR42:Absolute divergence [s-1]
43:VO:Relative vorticity [s-1]
44:D:Relative divergence [s-1]
45:VAR45:Vertical u-component shear [s-1]
46:VAR46:Vertical v-component shear [s-1]
47:VAR47:Direction of current [Degree true]
48:VAR48:Speed of current [m s-1]
49:VAR49:U-component of current [m s-1]
50:VAR50:V-component of current [m s-1]
51:Q:Specific humidity [kg kg-1]
52:R:Relative humidity [%]
53:VAR53:Humidity mixing ratio [kg m-2]
54:VAR54:Precipitable water [kg m-2]
55:VAR55:Vapour pressure [Pa]
56:VAR56:Saturation deficit [Pa]
57:E:Evaporation [kg m-2]
58:CIWC:Cloud ice [kg m-2]
59:VAR59:Precipitation rate [kg m-2 s-1]
60:VAR60:Thunderstorm probability [%]
61:TP:Total precipitation [kg m-2]
62:VAR62:Large scale precipitation water  [kg m-2]
63:VAR63:Convective precipitation water  [kg m-2]
64:VAR64:Snow fall rate water equivalent [kg m-2 s-1]
65:SF:Water equivalentof accumulated snow depth [kg m-2]
66:SD:Snow depth [m of water equivalent]
67:VAR67:Mixed layer depth [m]
68:VAR68:Transient thermocline depth [m]
69:VAR69:Main thermocline depth [m]
70:VAR70:Main thermocline anomaly [m]
71:TCC:Total cloud cover [%]
72:CCC:Convective cloud cover [%]
73:LCC:Low cloud cover [%]
74:MCC:Medium cloud cover [%]
75:HCC:High cloud cover [%]
76:CLWC:Cloud liquid water content [kg kg-1]
77:VAR77:Best lifted index to 500 hPa  [K]
78:CSF:Convective snow-fall [kg m-2]
79:LSF:Large scale snow-fall [kg m-2]
80:VAR80:Water temperature [K]
81:LSM:Land cover 1=land 0=sea  []
82:VAR82:Deviation of sea-level from mean [m]
83:SR:Surface roughness [m]
84:AL:Albedo []
85:ST:Surface temperature of soil [K]
86:SSW:Soil moisture content [kg m-2]
87:VEG:Percentage of vegetation [%]
88:VAR88:Salinity [kg kg-1]
89:VAR89:Density [kg m-3]
90:RO:Water run-off [kg m-2]
91:VAR91:Ice cover 1=land 0=sea  []
92:VAR92:Ice thickness [m]
93:VAR93:Direction of ice drift [Degree true]
94:VAR94:Speed of ice drift [m s*-1]
95:VAR95:U-component of ice drift [m s-1]
96:VAR96:V-component of ice drift [m s-1]
97:VAR97:Ice growth rate [m s-1]
98:VAR98:Ice divergence [s-1]
99:VAR99:Snow melt [kg m-2]
100:SWH:Signific height combined wind wavesplusswell [m]
101:MDWW:Mean direction of wind waves [Degree true]
102:SHWW:Significant height of wind waves [m]
103:MPWW:Mean period of wind waves [s]
104:VAR104:Direction of swell waves [Degree true]
105:VAR105:Significant height of swell waves [m]
106:VAR106:Mean period of swell waves [s]
107:MDPS:Mean direction of primary swell [Degree true]
108:MPPS:Mean period of primary swell [s]
109:VAR109:Secondary wave direction [Degree true]
110:VAR110:Secondary wave period [s]
111:VAR111:Net short-wave radiation flux surface  [W m-2]
112:VAR112:Net long-wave radiation flux surface  [W m-2]
113:VAR113:Net short-wave radiationflux atmosph top  [W m-2]
114:VAR114:Net long-wave radiation flux atmosph top  [W m-2]
115:VAR115:Long-wave radiation flux [W m-2]
116:VAR116:Short-wave radiation flux [W m-2]
117:VAR117:Global radiation flux [W m-2]
118:VAR118:Brightness temperature [K]
119:VAR119:Radiance with respect to wave number  [W m-1 sr-1]
120:VAR120:Radiance with respect to wave length  [W m-1 sr-1]
121:SLHF: surface Latent heat flux [W m-2]
122:SSHF: surface Sensible heat flux [W m-2]
123:BLD:Boundary layer dissipation [W m-2]
124:VAR124:Momentum flux u-component [N m-2]
125:VAR125:Momentum flux v-component [N m-2]
126:VAR126:Wind mixing energy [J]
127:VAR127:Image data []
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