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[netcdf-java] Multiple IOSP returning true for the isValidFile method

Dear All,

As it's been described in:

if I want to develop a IOSP for the netcdf-java library My java class have to implement the "ucar.nc2.IOServiceProvider" interface. Then if the file passed to the isValidFile is recognized by my IOSP should return a true value.

The question is; what happens if the file is a valid file for multiple IOSP? which IOSP has the maximum priority? the last IOSP added to the list of IOSP? there ar anyway to establish priority order for IOSP?

Thank you and regards


P.S: I'm developing a BUFR IOSP for a special case of Grid data coded as BUFR, but I expect to use the current BUFR IOSP for point data.

Antonio S. Cofiño
Grupo de Meteorología de Santander
Dep. de Matemática Aplicada y
        Ciencias de la Computación
Universidad de Cantabria
Escuela de Caminos
Avenida de los Castros, 44
39005 Santander, Spain
Tel: (+34) 942 20 1731
Fax: (+34) 942 20 1703

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