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Re: [netcdf-java] Getting forecast times from grib file

On 1/17/2011 8:16 AM, Alexander Berkes wrote:

I am really new to the netcdf-java library.

I am really stuck on getting the forecast times from a grib file.
Anything else works great (getting the lat/lon coordinate points,
getting the values or subsetting the grid...).

I tried the following:

String filename = "current.grb";

FmrcImpl forecasts = new FmrcImpl(filename);
List<Date>  forecastDates = forecasts.getForecastDates();

for(Date d : forecastDates){

But the above fails with a nullpointer exception on Object creation
(FmrcImpl forecasts = new FmrcImpl(filename);):
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
     at ucar.nc2.dt.fmrc.FmrcImpl$Gridset.<init>(
     at ucar.nc2.dt.fmrc.FmrcImpl.init(
     at ucar.nc2.dt.fmrc.FmrcImpl.<init>(
     at ucar.nc2.dt.fmrc.FmrcImpl.<init>(
     at Test.main(

Please can anybody help me on this?

Best regards,


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Hi Alex:

Dont use FmcImpl, use;


for some simple examples.

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