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[netcdf-java] nclm aggregation - removing repeated time step


I am trying to create a single dataset using the grib2 file of the CFSRR 
analysis using the NCML/thredds. Each file has one month of hourly data, but 
the last date of a file is the same as the first date of the next file (eg. 
wnd10m.gdas.200001.grb2 ends at february 1 00:00 and wnd10m.gdas.200002.grb2 
begins at february 1 00:00). I was wondering if there is a simple way to just 
cut/resize the time dimension so I could discard the last time step of each 
file and then do a simple aggregation. Sorry if it is a simple question, but I 
red the NCML cookbooks and mail list and couldn't find answer.

Thank you very much.
Marcelo Andrioni
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