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Re: [netcdf-java] Best practice for getting the initial (and/or final) time values of a Variable?

  • To: netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [netcdf-java] Best practice for getting the initial (and/or final) time values of a Variable?
  • From: "Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate)" <don.murray@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 11:00:00 -0600
If it's a grid, you can open it as a GridDataset and then just call getCalendarDateRange() which will give you the start and end dates. CalendarDate currently is backed by joda-time and supports the various CF calendars.

I think you could do what you want just using netcdf-java.


On 8/13/14 10:26 AM, Jon Blower wrote:
Hi James,

I understand not wanting too many 3rd-party dependencies, but time
handling is tricky and you will just end up finding the same issues as
everyone else has found. Unless your data have very specific metadata
that meets your code’s expectations, you will sooner or later find that
a perfectly CF-compliant file doesn’t work with your code. This is the
trade-off I guess! ;-)

A few comments on your code:

1. It relies on the time variable being called “time”. The correct way
(for the CF conventions) to identify a time variable is to look at its
units. (Alternatively the NetCDF-Java libraries can do this for you, I

2. It doesn’t appear to parse the units string correctly, assuming that
the units string is UDUNITS-compliant. Maybe it’s pseudocode though, in
which case fine.

3. It would only work for Gregorian dates, no other calendar systems.

4. No time zone support, as you point out

(By the way, if it makes you feel any better, the ncWMS code is mature
and has been used for years without change, so it would seem to work OK.
If you didn’t want the whole JAR, you could just factor out the classes
you need, or cannibalise the code. It’s all open source.)


Dr Jon Blower,
Technical Director, Reading e-Science Centre,
MELODIES project coordinator,
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
University of Reading
Tel: +44 118 378 5213
Email: j.d.blower@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:j.d.blower@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

On 13 Aug 2014, at 15:41, James Adams - NOAA Affiliate
<james.adams@xxxxxxxx <mailto:james.adams@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Thanks for your help, Jon.  I'm reticent to cook third-party JAR
dependencies into my code for a number of reasons if I can avoid it.
It's looking like there's no real best practice for this sort of thing
and everyone just rolls their own, so maybe I should just follow suit?
 The NetCDF-Java API is all over the place, at least based on what I
can see in the Javadoc.  (For example there's a CalendarDateUnit class
with no constructor and flotsam comments from you and Bob Simon
included within the main description section -- is this class useful
at all or recommended?)

​For now the below is what I've cooked up​ -- does this look
reasonable?  It seems less than bulletproof (for example how do you
best account for time zone, etc.?) but maybe it's good enough for now,
this code isn't going to be part of a nuclear reactor control system. ;)

            Variable timeCoordinateVariable =
            String timeUnits =
            ArrayInt timeArray = (ArrayInt);
            DateUnit dateUnit = new DateUnit(timeUnits);
            Date initialDate = dateUnit.makeDate(timeArray.getInt(0));
            DateTime initialDateTime = new
DateTime(initialDate.getTime(), GregorianChronology.getInstanceUTC());
            int initialYear = dateTime.getYear();


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Jon Blower <j.d.blower@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:j.d.blower@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi James,

    The ncWMS libraries contain some high-level calls that might help
    here. The class is the one you want:

    NetcdfDataset nc =“/path/to/my/netcdf/file”);
    GridDatatype grid = CdmUtils.getGridDatatype(nc, “myvar”);
    CoverageMetadata cm = CdmUtils.readCoverageMetadata(grid);
    List<DateTime> dateTimes = cm.getTimeValues();

    This gives a list of all the DateTime objects (these are from the
    joda-time library) in the time axis of the variable “myvar”. They
    will be referenced to a given Chronology (i.e. calendar system),
    which you can find through cm.getChronology().

    The main snag is that your variable has to be fully georeferenced,
    otherwise readCoverageMetadata() won’t work. A common problem here
    is that the vertical axis isn’t always well defined in NetCDF files.

    If you’re interested in this solution you can build a jar
    containing the above code:

    svn checkout svn://
    <> ncwms
    cd ncwms
    ant jar-for-THREDDS

    Hope this helps,

    Dr Jon Blower,
    Technical Director, Reading e-Science Centre,
    MELODIES project coordinator,
    School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences,
    University of Reading
    Tel: +44 118 378 5213 <tel:%2B44%20118%20378%205213>
    Email: j.d.blower@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:j.d.blower@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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