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[netcdf-java] How to deal with dataPacking and fillValue.

First of all, sorry if that's not a java specific topic.

I'm working on supporting dataPacking when storing a dataset to a NetCDF
output file. Suppose I have Double data in the range [-10 : 35] (as an
instance, a temperature in celsius degrees) where the input _fillValue is

I want to write it as packed data (as an instance, Byte... it's just an
I'm using the formula provided here
Therefore, I'm computing dataMin, dataMax: -10, 35 in my case (-65536 is
not part of the statistics computations).
Then, I'm using them to compute add_offset and scale_factor:

  add_offset = dataMin
  scale_factor = (dataMax - dataMin) / (2^n - 1)

I'm setting out a NetCDF Variable with short dataType and I'm rescaling the
values on the fly using that formula:

packed_value = nint((unpacked_value - add_offset) / scale_factor)

Note that I'm avoiding to apply this transformation to samples with value =
-65536 (being my NoData, _fillValue).

The question is:
I want to setup a _fillValue in the packed dataset.
It need to respect the output dataType (so, it's a Byte).
_fillValue = -65536 won't fit in the Byte range. What is the recommended
approach to compute the "output" _fillValue?

Moreover, what can I do to make sure that I still have a "reserved" value
in the output range, to be used to represent _fillValue without risking
overlaps with the converted range?
Should I use some additional "offsets" when computing the
add_offset/scale_factor to make sure as an instance, that the first value
of dataType range is reserved for _fillValue? (as an instance, to make sure
that _fillValue = 0 and valid range will be between 1 and 255)

Please, let me know.
Best Regards,

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Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
Senior Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
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55054  Massarosa (LU)
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