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Re: [netcdf-java] Geostationary CF grid_mapping problem: "HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error" [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

  • To: Leon Majewski <Leon.Majewski@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdf-java] Geostationary CF grid_mapping problem: "HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error" [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
  • From: Ryan May <rmay@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 09:56:14 -0600

Version 4.6.1 of THREDDS was just released. Could you see if that fixes
your problem?

If not, it would be really helpful to get a sample of the problematic file
so we can try to reproduce locally.



On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 12:06 AM, Leon Majewski <Leon.Majewski@xxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi all,
> > It's been suggested that I use the CF1.7 grid_mapping geostationary
> I found that I need to set the grid_mapping_name to
> "geostationary_satellite"
>         float geostationary ;
>                 geostationary:grid_mapping_name =
> "geostationary_satellite" ;
> > HTTP Status 500
> This fixes the HTTP Status 500. However, this results in their being no
> queryable layers in the WMS and netcdf subset service fails [both worked
> with vertical_perspective].
> The WMS GetCapabilities for the vertical perspective version includes:
> <Layer><Title>AGLS observations product suite</Title>
>         <Layer
> queryable="1"><Name>channel_0013_brightness_temperature</Name>
>         <Title>brightness temperature for channel 13 at 10.41 um</Title>
>         <Abstract>brightness temperature for channel 13 at 10.41
> um</Abstract>
> <EX_GeographicBoundingBox><westBoundLongitude>-180.0</westBoundLongitude><eastBoundLongitude>180.0</eastBoundLongitude><southBoundLatitude>-90.0</southBoundLatitude><northBoundLatitude>90.0</northBoundLatitude></EX_GeographicBoundingBox>
>         <BoundingBox CRS="CRS:84" minx="-180.0" maxx="180.0" miny="-90.0"
> maxy="90.0"/>
>         <Dimension name="time" units="ISO8601" multipleValues="true"
> current="true"
> default="2015-02-20T00:00:20.000Z">2015-02-20T00:00:20.000Z</Dimension>
> ...
> </Layer>
> While the geostationary_satellite version has:
> <Layer><Title>AGLS observations product suite</Title>
> </Layer>
> Has anyone see this behaviour/been able to work around it?
> Thanks,
> Leon
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Ryan May
Software Engineer
Boulder, CO
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