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Re: [netcdf-java] Troubles having different Time dimension names on different forecasts

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:33 PM, John Caron <jcaron1129@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Daniele:
> The possible changing of dimension names would be across different
> GribCollections. Since these are created independently, theres no way to
> reliable ensure that the same coordinate name is used. The names are
> arbitrary.
> 1) Grib Collections are designed to handle collections of GRIB files. So
> if you put all of your files into a single collection, there wouldnt be a
> problem.
Right... This is why I tried that approach.

> If you have too many files for one collections (rule of thumb ~ 1M
> records), you can do a partition of collections. the seperate collections
> may have different coord names, but the overall collection will reconcile
> that.
Yep. I have noticed that when testing. Nice feature!

> 2) if you open the collection as a GridDataset (in 5.0 GridDataset has
> been replaced by  "CoverageDataset"), you ask for the time coordinate, not
> the coordinate named "time".
> 3) in 5.0, the new CoverageDataset is designed to handle both GRIB and
> FMRC (eg netcdf) files uniformly. still in alpha, but getting close to beta
> soon. This is a new API, so the most work for you, but probably the best
> long-term solution.

Thanks for the suggestion. For the moment, I guess I will proceed with the
"time" dimension/attribute rename workaround. Anyway, I'll take a look to
5.0 as a learning/investigation task.

Thanks again for your assistance.

> Regards,
> John
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <
> daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi John... thanks for your reply.
>> I will probably go for a workaround to remap dimensions to fixed
>> attributes.
>> Background info in case you are interested:
>> - We use an "ImageMosaic" which allows to expose a "single" store on top
>> of multiple NetCDF/GRIB files, datasets.
>> - We map different "common" dimensions of the underlying
>> variables/coverages/parameters to different columns of a DB index so you
>> can ask the DB "give me the air temperature for time = 2015-08-08T12:00:00z
>> and height = 30m". The mosaic will query the DB, look for the proper file
>> and setup the proper section on underlying NetCDF data based on the
>> time,height values.
>> - At time of data collecting we scan the variables as well as the
>> dimensions/coordinateAxis of a variable, from a prototype sample (let say
>> hrrr.t00z.sfc.f02.grib) to create the DB tables (let's say air_temperature)
>> and the related dimensions (let's say time1, height_above_ground)
>> Then, we "assume" all others samples of the same data provider/related to
>> the same model, has same data structures = same variables, same dimensions,
>> different values (obviously)
>> The problem I have encountered with complex grib files is that, due to
>> the underlying grib record structure, sometime time dimensions changes
>> across different files, although they refer to same variable.
>> So you may have:
>> gribfileA: temperature(time1, height), wind_hourly_maximum(time2,
>> pressure)
>> gribfileB: temperature(time2, height), wind_hourly_maximum(time1,
>> pressure).
>> This make the DB based index not working anymore since when I get the
>> dimension name/coordinate axis from the variable to check which column of
>> the DB I have to populate, that column couldn't exist or have a different
>> name.
>> So I tried with the gribCollection approach by using a NetCDFDataset
>> opened over a ncx3 previously setup by invoking the following methods
>>       FeatureCollectionConfig config = new FeatureCollectionConfig();
>>       config.setFilter("/work/data/gribs/", ".*.grib2");
>>       config.ptype =;
>>       config.type = FeatureCollectionType.GRIB2;
>>       config.collectionName = "collection";
>>       GribCdmIndex.updateGribCollection(config,
>> CollectionUpdateType.test, logger);
>> Then I was using the "Best" Group to access what I need from that
>> NetCDFDataset.
>> There are cases where I want to get the original file associated to a
>> specific subselection so this is why I have asked the previous question.
>> At the end, I will always map time1,time2,time to simply "time" and
>> continue using the oldest way without using GribCollections.
>> Thanks again for your interest.
>> Best Regards,
>> Daniele
>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 6:07 PM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Daniele:
>>> Im not really sure what you want to do, and why.
>>> There is a non-public API to the ncx files, but better not to use if
>>> possible, as it can/will change, and is not documented / supported for
>>> external use.
>>> John
>>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <
>>> daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi List,
>>>> Thanks John for your feedbacks on gribCollections.
>>>> I question I have on this topic is:
>>>> once configuring a NetCDF Dataset on top of a ncx3 file built on top of
>>>> a GribCollection, is it possible to somehow "query" the index to know which
>>>> underlying gribs are involved by a specific range? (As an instance: which
>>>> files have data for to time=T0?)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniele
>>>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 5:30 PM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Danielle:
>>>>> Because GRIB are so complex, NcML cannot be used to aggregate.
>>>>> Have a look at
>>>>> John
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 3:46 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <
>>>>> daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi list.
>>>>>> Sorry for bothering you again. (I know how much can be annoying
>>>>>> receiving "PING" from the same user about same Topic within a mailing 
>>>>>> list
>>>>>> since I also contribute to some open source projects where people
>>>>>> frequently repeat asks for help to devs which are basically volunteers).
>>>>>> Did you have any chance to take a look to my latest question?
>>>>>> No rush on this since I'll be in vacation next week. I just would
>>>>>> like to know if somebody has any feedback or idea on that.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Daniele Romagnoli <
>>>>>> daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi John,
>>>>>>> I'm here again.
>>>>>>> Is there any way by java code to open a NetCDFDataset on top of a
>>>>>>> folder containing multiple GRIB files?
>>>>>>> The past week I tried setting up an NCML to do the union of multiple
>>>>>>> GRIBs by doing aggregation on time dimension but opening back that NCML
>>>>>>> with ToolsUI I didn't see all the available time.
>>>>>>> Please, let me know.
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Daniele Romagnoli <
>>>>>>> daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi John.
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>>>>>> Please, read below.
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 12:51 AM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Daniele:
>>>>>>>>> If you open the files individually, then there is no guarentee of
>>>>>>>>> the time dimension name. Simply ask each variable what dimension name 
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> uses.
>>>>>>>> The problem I have is that I'm programmatically insert time values
>>>>>>>> into a DB where the Table's columns match the dimension names, during 
>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>> files scan. (1 Table for each NetCDF Variable).
>>>>>>>> I will think a bit more on it, in order to understand if I can map
>>>>>>>> them to a generic "time" in my DB although my code associates table 
>>>>>>>> columns
>>>>>>>> to dimension names when doing the backward search (from DB to dataset).
>>>>>>>> Do you have any pointer to that part of the thredds code which is
>>>>>>>> setting these time dimension names?
>>>>>>>> If not, no problem: I have a local copy of the thredds code and
>>>>>>>> I'll look for that by myself.
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <
>>>>>>>>> daniele.romagnoli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi List,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm dealing with some forecasts of HRRR and I have a couple of
>>>>>>>>>> questions.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm creating a DB and I'm cataloging 2D subslices of a 4D
>>>>>>>>>> Variable within tables containing for each variable, the filename, 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> bbox, the depth and the time validity for that record.
>>>>>>>>>> When more forecasts are available, I will add more entries in the
>>>>>>>>>> tables.
>>>>>>>>>> I have noticed that different forecasts of the same model report
>>>>>>>>>> different time dimension names.
>>>>>>>>>> As an instance, if you download
>>>>>>>>>> hrrr.t01z.wrfsfcf00.grib2
>>>>>>>>>> hrrr.t01z.wrfsfcf01.grib2
>>>>>>>>>> hrrr.t01z.wrfsfcf02.grib2
>>>>>>>>>> you will notice this (I'm reporting a reduced part of info to
>>>>>>>>>> point out my question. Please take a look at the colors):
>>>>>>>>>> hrrr.t01z.wrfsfcf00.grib2
>>>>>>>>>>   dimensions:
>>>>>>>>>>     x = 1799;
>>>>>>>>>>     y = 1059;
>>>>>>>>>>     time = 1;
>>>>>>>>>> float Categorical_freezing_rain_surface(time =1, y=1059, x=1799);
>>>>>>>>>> hrrr.t01z.wrfsfcf01.grib2
>>>>>>>>>>   dimensions:
>>>>>>>>>>     x = 1799;
>>>>>>>>>>     y = 1059;
>>>>>>>>>>     time = 1;
>>>>>>>>>>     time1 = 1;
>>>>>>>>>> float Categorical_freezing_rain_surface(time =1, y=1059, x=1799);
>>>>>>>>>> float
>>>>>>>>>> Total_column_integrated_graupel_entire_atmosphere_single_layer_1_Hour_Maximum(
>>>>>>>>>> time1=1, y=1059, x=1799);
>>>>>>>>>> hrrr.t01z.wrfsfcf02.grib2
>>>>>>>>>>   dimensions:
>>>>>>>>>>     x = 1799;
>>>>>>>>>>     y = 1059;
>>>>>>>>>>     time = 1;
>>>>>>>>>>     time1 = 2;
>>>>>>>>>>     time2 = 1;
>>>>>>>>>> float Categorical_freezing_rain_surface(time2=1, y=1059, x=1799);
>>>>>>>>>> float
>>>>>>>>>> Total_column_integrated_graupel_entire_atmosphere_single_layer_1_Hour_Maximum(
>>>>>>>>>> time=1, y=1059, x=1799);
>>>>>>>>>> float Total_precipitation_surface_Mixed_intervals_Accumulation(
>>>>>>>>>> time1=2, y=1059, x=1799);
>>>>>>>>>> As you may notice, the same variables have different time
>>>>>>>>>> dimension names across different forecasts (see blue, red, green 
>>>>>>>>>> colors).
>>>>>>>>>> Is there any chance to have them using same dimension name across
>>>>>>>>>> different datasets?
>>>>>>>>>> Any EnhancementSet to be used, or java property to be set?
>>>>>>>>>> What do you think about having time dimension names behave the
>>>>>>>>>> same way across multiple datasets?
>>>>>>>>>> As an instance, by reserving suffixes in relation to the type of
>>>>>>>>>> time...
>>>>>>>>>> Don't know... something like "time" for simple time values,
>>>>>>>>>> "time1"/"time2" for hourly maximum, accumulations, ...
>>>>>>>>>> I'm wondering if the way suffixes are added ("1","2") simply
>>>>>>>>>> depends on the scan order or there is a specification which mandates 
>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>> numbering order which I'm unaware of.
>>>>>>>>>> Please. let me know.
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>>>>>>>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>>>>>>>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>>>>>>>>> Italy
>>>>>>>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
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GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
Senior Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 1660272



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