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[netcdf-java] Rotated latitude/longitude GRIB2 coordinates

  • To: John Caron <jcaron1129@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [netcdf-java] Rotated latitude/longitude GRIB2 coordinates
  • From: Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 14:23:00 +1300

I have partly implemented NetCDF-Java support for rotated latitude/longitude GRIB2 files with the unusual NCEP GDS template 32769:

Although this is an unusual GDS, my investigations indicate that it is the same projection as GDS template 1 but defined by different GDS parameters. I am thus keen to reuse the existing implementation Grib2Gds.RotatedLatLon to reduce code duplication.

During implementation, I encountered some behaviour of GribIosp and Grib2Gds.RotatedLatLon that I do not understand:

(1) Grib2Gds.RotatedLatLon appears to make no transformation to the rotated coordinate system. The generated lat/lon will extend from la1/lo1 to la2/lo2 (the unrotated corners). What happened to the new rotated origin? I expected the rotated grid to centred on (0,0) if the southern pole parameters set the origin as the centre of the grid (not mandatory but a popular choice):

(2) The coordinate variables created in GribIosp for rotated longitude/latitude GRIB2 grids do not appear to conform to the CF Conventions as they lack rlat/rlon and standards_name grid_latitude/grid_longitude and do not contain multidimensional lat/lon as required. Instead they appear to contain a simple lat/lon as for an unrotated grid:

(3) Rather than using GdsHorizCoordSys.isLatLon as for GRIB1, for GRIB2 files GribIosp uses GDS template range checks to decide if a grid is lat/lon. This seems to lack extensibility. What is the reason for this implementation choice, and can I change it?

Is anyone using NetCDF-Java support for GDS template 1 GRIB2 files? Does anyone have any sample files for GDS template 1 and known good NetCDF CF Conventions equivalents?

I suspect the NetCDF-Java implementation of GDS template 1 may be incorrect; if I am right, I intend to fix it as a side-effect of implementing support for GDS 32769. If I am wrong, please stop me now!

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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