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Re: [netcdf-java] runtime aggregation


Can anyone on here please advise whether they think the issue below is a fault in the .ncml, in geotools or a fault in netcdf-java? I can see exactly what is going wrong in the debugger, but I am not sure where the fault lies.
Really need some help on this one.

Kind Regards

On 08-09-16 14:51, Niels Charlier wrote:
removal of the "time" variable in the aggregation (see commented line in attached .ncml file)

This issue is related to the previous one, it is again about /makeCoordinateSystemsImplicit/ versus /makeCoordinateSystemsMaximal/.

* If the "time" variable is included as aggregation variable, it also gets the "runtime" dimension added to its dimensions.
    * As a consequence, netcdf-java does not recognise it as an AXIS.
* As a consequence, /makeCoordinateSystemsImplicit /fails to include it in the CRS's for the actual variables (water_u, salinity, etc...). * As a consequence, /makeCoordinateSystemsMaximal /creates a CRS for these variables. However, it puts the dimensions in the order of the /dimension variable/ list (rather than the variable's own dimensions), which is completely arbitrary as far as I can see. * "runtime" ends up as the last axis instead of the first. This is inconsistent with the order of dimensions in the variable. Geotools fails on this inconsistency.

I am not sure whether the fault here lies with the .ncml file, geotools or netcdf-java.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<netcdf xmlns="";>

    <attribute name="Conventions" type="String" value="CF-1.6" />

    <variable name="runtime" type="double">
        <attribute type="string" name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="RunTime"/>
        <attribute type="string" name="units" value="hours since 2014-07-07 
00:00:00 UTC"/>
        <attribute type="string" name="time_origin" value="2014-07-07 
        <values>0 24</values>
    <aggregation type="joinNew" dimName="runtime">
        <netcdf coordValue="0">
            <aggregation type="joinExisting" dimName="time">
                <netcdf location=""/>
                <netcdf location=""/>
        <netcdf coordValue="24">
            <aggregation type="joinExisting" dimName="time">
                <netcdf location=""/>
                <netcdf location=""/>
        <variableAgg name="water_u"/>
        <variableAgg name="salinity"/>
        <variableAgg name="water_v"/>
        <variableAgg name="water_temp"/>
        <variableAgg name="tau"/>
        <variableAgg name="surf_el"/>
        <!-- <variableAgg name="time"/> -->
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