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[netcdf-java] Ensemble data not possible to visualize


we just extended our meteorology forecast runs with ensemble members.

Data without ensemble/realization dimension can be found here:
and these work well with the netcdf-java base software like
thredds/idv/ncwms , e.g. precipitation_amount_acc(time,height0,y,x)

As soon as we combine several realizations/ensembles into the same file
all gridded feature stop working for
precipitation_amount_acc(time,height0,ensemble_member,y,x). We can still
use opendap, but ncwms and idv no longer find this variable.
netcdf-tools still detect the variable as a FeatureType GRID
f:D(5)->R(7) (in FeatureType->FeatureScan) but is not able to detect the
coordinateSystem in FeatureType->Grids.

I even tried to remove the height0 dimension (which is of size 1), but
without any change.

Is 'standard_name=realization' an unsupported feature of netcdf-java?
There was a longer discussion about it in 2010:
Should we use some axis="ensemble" or _CoordinateAxis keyword to help
detect the ensemble dimension?

Or is the problem within thredds/ncwms/idv not able to deal with other
dimensions than x,y,z,t?

Sorry for cross-posting, not really sure where the problem lies. We're
using thredds 4.6 and netcdf-java toolsUI 4.6

Best regards,


Dr. Heiko Klein                   Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Tel. + 47 22 96 32 58             P.O. Box 43 Blindern                 0313 Oslo NORWAY

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