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[netcdf-java] Negative and unknown enum value


I am using netcdf-java 5.3.3 to read various bufr-files. It works very well, 
but 2 things are strange:

1. Compared to other tools, I got sometimes different values for the variable 
"obs.Radiosonde_type", -114 in this case. This is a invalid value, since the 
values of this enum are only positive.

2. I also got "Unknown enum value" for several enums, for example 
"obs.Radiosonde_type". In netcdf-java 5.4.1 these values are NULL. I am not 
sure, if this a problem with your library, since many (not all) enums can be 
transformed to string (NetcdfDatasets does this job) and only BUFRdisplay was 
able to transform "obs.Radiosonde_type" for me.

Here are my test results:
- BUFR Viewer
                LSSW    0 02 011    RADIOSONDE TYPE                             
CODE_TABLE    10**  0              0       8 bits            142    [ 142.000 ]
                DWSG    0 02 011    RADIOSONDE TYPE                             
CODE_TABLE    10**  0              0       8 bits            124    [ 124.000 ]
- toolsUI 5.3.3
                LSSW    Radiosonde_type =   "Unknown enum value=-114" CodeTable 
                DWSG    Radiosonde_type =   "Unknown enum value=124" CodeTable 
- toolsUI-5.4.1 Only NULL for both files
- BUFRdisplay
                LSSW    8,"Radiosonde type","Code table","0-02-011",142 -> 
Vaisala RS41 with pressure derived from GPS height/AUTOSONDE (Finland)
                DWSG    8,"Radiosonde type","Code table","0-02-011",124 -> 
Vaisala RS41/AUTOSONDE (Finland)
- ecCodes
                LSSW    "key" : "radiosondeType", "value" : 142, "units" : 
                DWSG    "key" : "radiosondeType", "value" : 124, "units" : 

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