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trying to compile netcdf 2.3.2 on convex C220

Please add me to your mailing list.  I also have a few other
questions.  I am trying to compile netcdf 2.3.2 on our convex C220.
Everything but the fortran stuff is passing the tests.  The first
problem I had was the make file not finding the fortran compiler. Even
after placing FC = /usr/convex/fc in the CUSTOMIZE file and running
./configure, the Makefiles are picking up FC =     (i.e. a null
string).  I finally got the configure script to make the Makefiles
with the right fortran compiler and ran the test again, now its giving
me compiler errors with jackets.c.

making `test' in directory /usr/tmp/aym/NetCDF/netcdf-2.3.2/fortran

cc -c -I../libsrc -DNDEBUG -O jackets.c
cc: Error on line 42 of jackets.c: function NAMEF may not be initialized
cc: Error on line 527 of jackets.c: function returning function illegal.
cc: Error on line 527 of jackets.c: 'NAMEF' redeclared: incompatible types.
cc: Error on line 528 of jackets.c: Syntax Error at "F_INTEGER"

and the list goes on.  Has anyone had success with a convex passing
all of the fortran tests?  If so could you please help me?

Here'e the CUSTOMIZE file I use:

# This file is for customizing the configuation process performed by
# `./configuration'.  This file consists of sh(1) variable-definition lines.
# The value given to those variables by this file will override their default
# values.
# You can also customize the configuration process via the environment
# variables seen by ./configure.  For example:
#     In csh(1):
#         % setenv CC acc
#         & setenv CFLAGS -g
#         % ./configure
#     In sh(1):
#         $ CC=acc CFLAGS=-g ./configure
# Variables in this file override the environmental ones.
# Type of C compiler (default is `cc'):
# CC='gcc -traditional'
# C compiler flags (default is `-O'):
# C preprocessor flags (default is `-DNDEBUG'):
# Installation prefix (default is `..'):
# prefix=/usr/local/unidata
# Whether to use the old floating-point fill values for backward
# compatibility (see INSTALL).  Uncomment to obtain the pre-2.3 default,
# floating-point fill values.

# 11/23/93 AYM NSCEE
#   OS, MACHINE, and FC have to be defined before configure can be run.
#   The following may not be correct, but there is not mention of convex
#   anywhere, so I'm taking my best guess.
#   prefix will be defined on the command line for the configure command.
#   Type
#     configure --prefix=/usr/public
#   to make it configure.

Thanks in advance


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