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Re: Compressed netCDF library available

John -- Thanks for looking at the libs.  You commented:

> My only comment is that when i was thinking about this same problem a few 
> years
> back, I  realized that that amount of compression you can get it very data 
> type
> dependent. In particular, if you require your data be stored as floating 
> point,
> many datasets wont compress at all, because the low order bits of the mantissa
> are essentially random.  Unless there is some repeating pattern like a 
> constant
> field or missing data. (I was working with gridded model output)
> It might be worth collecting compression ratios from your library on various
> data files and types, so that people get a sense of what to expect for the
> different cases.

You are right that the amount of compression will be data dependent and
not necessarily reflect the information content.  I would be willing to
compile any compression ratios that people want to send me.  You can
use the nczip program to make a compressed netcdf file of any normal 
netcdf files you have around.  This doesnt' require installing the znetcdf
library or changing your programs.  Send me the compression ratios and
a description of the type of data (or a cdl).

One way to try to improve the compression ratio without changing the netcdf
structure is to normalize floating point numbers to a reasonable precision.
I.e. new_val = (round(val * 1000.0)/1000.0)

This would be the same as using a scale and offset in the netcdf but wouldn't
require the reading software to understand the particular scheme used.

--Bill Noon
Northeast Regional Climate Center
Cornell University

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