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GDAL netCDF Support


At the request of GMT users (primarily netCDF for grids) I have implemented
support for netCDF import/export in my GDAL library.  GDAL is an open source
multi-format read/write library for geospatial raster data.

I am interested in pointers to sample netCDF "grid" files, or cooperation
from anyone intersted in testing the GDAL netCDF support - especially GMT

It would also be nice to have GDAL ( listed
in the list of netCDF supporting software packages.

Lastly, during implementation I have encountered symbol collections
(nc_findattr() or something similar) with symbols from the HDF (or perhaps
HDF-EOS) libraries.  Is this a common problem?  Is there an obvious workaround?

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@xxxxxxxxx
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

From owner-netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 07 2004 Jan -0700 14:21:27
Date: 07 Jan 2004 14:21:27 -0700
From: "James Gallagher" <jgallagher@xxxxxxxxxxx>
In-Reply-To: <3FFC6E2A.4080404@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Frank Warmerdam" <warmerdam@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: GDAL netCDF Support
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        by (UCAR/Unidata) id i07LLVK5008102
        for netcdfgroup-out; Wed, 7 Jan 2004 14:21:31 -0700 (MST)
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Keywords: 200401072121.i07LLTp2008097
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Reply-To: "James Gallagher" <jgallagher@xxxxxxxxxxx>

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 13:38, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

At the request of GMT users (primarily netCDF for grids) I have implemented
support for netCDF import/export in my GDAL library.  GDAL is an open source
multi-format read/write library for geospatial raster data.

Frank, Did you handle reading only a part of the array? If so, I could
use your code in my DODS/OPeNDAP driver.

PS. BTW, we have a server for netCDF files so the OPeNDAP driver can
read them if they are served. It's probably better to use the native
format for local files, but the OPenDAP driver is something to keep in

I am interested in pointers to sample netCDF "grid" files, or cooperation
from anyone intersted in testing the GDAL netCDF support - especially GMT

It would also be nice to have GDAL ( listed
in the list of netCDF supporting software packages.

Lastly, during implementation I have encountered symbol collections
(nc_findattr() or something similar) with symbols from the HDF (or perhaps
HDF-EOS) libraries.  Is this a common problem?  Is there an obvious workaround?

Best regards,
James Gallagher                  The Distributed Oceanographic Data System
Voice/Fax: 406.723.8663

From owner-netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Wed 7  2004 Jan 14:32:50
Date: Wed,  7 Jan 2004 14:32:50 -0800 (PST)
From: Charlie Zender <zender@xxxxxxx>
To: NCO Annnounce <nco-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Subject: netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.5 are ready Received: (from majordo@localhost)
        by (UCAR/Unidata) id i07Mc5oi013030
        for netcdfgroup-out; Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:38:05 -0700 (MST)
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200401072238.i07Mc3p2013025
       netCDF Mail List <netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Reply-To: Charlie Zender <zender@xxxxxxx>

The netCDF operators NCO version 2.8.5 are ready. (Homepage) (Homepage "mirror")

This release improves NCO build-ability/configuration.
Most notably we updated and simplified support for DODS.
See for more info.
We hope more users will take advantage of the network-transparent data access capabilities of DODS by building NCO as DODS clients, e.g.,

ncwa -O -C -a lat,lon,time -d lon,-10.,10. -d lat,-10.,10. -l ./ -p \

Why use your local CPU when you can slow down a remote DODS server
instead? :)
Thanks to Rorik and Henry for their continuing contributions,
and may your winters be exciting.


1. make install works on Solaris. Used to die with symlinks. (Rorik)
2. Changing attribute values with ncap works as advertised (Henry)

Feature changes:
1. -r switch prints compile-time configuration for all operators
2. Build with ./configure --enable-optimize-custom, if possible, for best performance (Charlie)

Other user-visible changes:
1. Build procedure assumes DODS v. 3.4+ is installed (Rorik)
  Building with DODS v. 3.3- is no longer supported
doc/ guides DODS installation prior to building NCO 2. Added and renamed options to ./configure script

User-invisible changes:
1. Improved type-checking/safety/casting in all routines allows most
  code to build warning-free with --enable-debug-custom

Charlie Zender, surname@xxxxxxx, (949) 824-2987, Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697-3100 Visiting NCAR 12/13/03--1/17/04: ***********************************
Voice/FAX: (303) 497-1724/1348, Office: Mesa Lab 259b **************

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