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Re: Announcement of resources for learning about netCDF

Russ Rew wrote:

Some new resources for learning about netCDF are now available.

First is the "NetCDF for Developers Workshop", consisting of online
materials from a recent one-day workshop presented in Boulder:

We have also made a set of complete example programs available that
illustrate equivalent uses of netCDF from C, Fortran 77, Fortran 90,
C++, and Java:

(If developers of the Perl, Python, Ruby, MATLAB, IDL, Ada, or other
interfaces contribute equivalent examples for those interfaces, we
will consider also including them.)

Russ and Ed: I'm working on making python versions of all those sample programs. Attached is a python version of the first one ( I'll send you more as they are completed.



Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
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# the Scientific Python netCDF interface
#from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile as Dataset
# the classic version of the netCDF4 python interface
from netCDF4_classic import Dataset
import numpy
This is a very simple example which writes a 2D array of
sample data. To handle this in netCDF we create two shared
dimensions, "x" and "y", and a netCDF variable, called "data".

This example demonstrates the netCDF Python API.
It will work either with the Scientific Python NetCDF interface
of the 'classic' version of the netCDF4 interface. 
To switch from one to another, just comment/uncomment the appropriate
import statements at the beginning of this file.

Requires the add-on numpy array module
# the output array to write will be nx x ny
nx = 6; ny = 12
# open a new netCDF file for writing.
ncfile = Dataset('','w') 
# create the output array (int32)
data_out = numpy.empty((nx,ny),numpy.int32)
for y in range(ny):
    for x in range(nx):
        data_out[x,y] = x*ny + y
# create the x and y dimensions.
# create the variable (4 byte integer in this case)
# first argument is name of variable, second is datatype, third is
# a tuple with the names of dimensions.
data = ncfile.createVariable('data','i',('x','y'))
# write data to variable.
data[:] = data_out
# close the file.
print '*** SUCCESS writing example file!'
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